leach house是什么意思 leach house在线中文翻译

leach house

leach house 双语例句

  1. On the meeting, they offerred a lot of problems and proposal, not acerbic, it is easy that this says their village line goes hard leach becomes sodden road, cultivating aqueduct appears collapse bank phenomenon, that says him of the village 5 protect Hu Wangshu house to appear slack, it is difficult to have still difficulty door child reads, anyhow is to concern the garment, feed, live, the requirement of a few basic lives of travel, look at them to embody expectant view completely in those days, my heart begins heavy, so this is a country, this is the villager.

leach house

leach house


home: 指永久住家时,带有家庭所特有的温暖、情感等气息。
building: 泛指一切建筑物,不限于居住的房子。
residence: 指大而堂皇的寓所或公馆,也指法律上的居住点。
shelter: 可指长期或临时的住处,也指简陋或临时搭建的躲避风雨的场所。
dwelling: 正式用词,仅指人们居住的任何建筑物。
habitation: 指长久或固定的住所或居住地。
house: 中性词,泛指一切供居住的建筑物,尤指适合一家一户居住的房屋。

home: 家,带有感情色彩
dwelling: 住所,公寓
shelter: 庇护处(收容所,庇护所)
household: 抽象的家庭,并含有家事,家务之意
family: 家庭,指组成家庭的成员
house: 房屋,住宅
lodging: 寄宿处