klondike是什么意思 klondike在线中文翻译

Klondike 英 [ˈklɔndaik] 美 [ˈklɑnˌdaɪk]

Klondike 双语例句

  1. Sleep in the morning.11.00 am city tour with Main Street, Train Depot of the White Pass and Yukon Route, Log Skyscraper, Log Church, Sternwheeler SS Klondike, Fish ladder, Schwatka Lake and some residential areas.
    今早睡醒后,11:30AM 将展开 2 小时市区观光,主要街道,列车车厂,日志摩天大楼,日志教会,鱼梯,施瓦特卡湖泊和部分住宅区。下午您可自由探索白马市。
  2. I went to Klondike Kate's restaurant for a lamb pot pie, iced tea, and a decadent ice cream/espresso dessert.
  3. If you're tired of Klondike, check out this unique collection.
  4. Includes 358 famous classics like Klondike, Freecell, Spider, Yukon, Gaps, and 72 original games.
  5. It attracted attention following the rich gold strikes in 1896 on one of its Canadian tributaries, the Klondike River.
  6. A territory in northwestern canada; site of the Klondike gold rush in the1890s.
  7. The tiny mustachioed orphan of the storm beams innocently over the shoulder of McKay's own dearest.... Old stuff about an endearing note which Chaplin receives by mistake.... Out to make his pile so that he can wed the Klondike Kitty Kelly.... More prospectors*.... The big strike; the search for the girl; the scene on board the ocean liner in which the stunted erstwhile prospector, now in purple and fine sable, lounges on the first cabin, his heart aswoon for a vanished barmaid...
    这个在风雪中孤苦无依的流浪汉,挑挑自己的小胡子,越过McKay的肩膀无辜得朝人家的小宝贝儿笑笑……卓别林靠着误会被美人接受,这情节又不足为奇……他用大把大把的钞票融化了Klondike的Kitty Kelly 的心……更多的采矿汉、混乱的打斗,寻找女孩;画面又转到了远洋客轮的甲板上,那个过去矮小的采矿汉现在已锦衣玉食,坐在头等舱,他为一个消失了的酒吧女郎而魂不守舍。
  8. Will the Party of No return the financial industry back to the unhinged Klondike that brought the country to the verge of Depression?
  9. This classic story tells of a dog stolen from his home and sold to work as a sled dog in Canada's Klondike Gold Rush.
  10. After nearly ten years in the klondike, tiny returned, with a considerable fortune, to live in San francisco.

Klondike 单语例句

  1. Companies across the United States offered to sell all the supplies a gold seeker would need to take to the Klondike.
  2. The possibility of finding gold caused thousands of people to make plans to travel to Alaska and then to the Klondike area of the Yukon.
  3. Our story begins in an area called the Klondike in the Yukon Territory of western Canada.
  4. It carried the first men who had found gold in the Klondike.
  5. Other people quickly traveled to the area of the great Klondike River where the three had made the discovery.

Klondike [ˈklɔndaik]

n. 克朗代克河(在加拿大西北部,育空河的支流)
n. a region in northwestern Canada where gold was discovered in 1896 but exhausted by 1910
n. a form of solitaire that begins with seven piles of cards with the top cards facing up; descending sequences of cards of alternating colors are built on these piles; as aces become available they are placed above the seven piles; the object is to build sequences in suit from ace to king as the remaining cards are dealt out one at a time