juvenile form是什么意思 juvenile form在线中文翻译

juvenile form

juvenile form 双语例句

  1. The youth is the key age of the form of world outlook and philosophy to the adults. It is an issue with which should be especially dealt about how to strengthen the education to teenagers and effectively prevent the juvenile deliquency.
  2. Form micro-perceptive, juvenile delinquency is one kind of personal behavior; form macro- perceptive, it is one kind of social phenomenon, the causes combine with many factors.
  3. On July 8th, Zhengzhou Rescue Protection Center School for vagrom juvenile and children is full of funs. Seven college students as volunteers major in account from Henan Finance College came here to form partners with children.
  4. Among people with epilepsy, photosensitivity is most common in adolescents with a form known as juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
  5. The population was senile form, because its structure was inverse pyramid form, lacking seedlings and juvenile plants.
  6. Twelve species of Chinese Herbal medicines were selected according to their pharmacological function and potence to form five kinds of Chinese Herbal Compounds (CHC), which were numbered group 1 to group 5. They were added to feed of juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor.
  7. Objective: To observe the incidence of pulp necrosis and root resorption of the juvenile anterior permanent teeth with concussion and luxation injuries and analyze the relationship between the type of injury and form of root resorption.
  8. The stand diameter distribution of juvenile stand appears an inversed " J " form, and that of the half mature forest approximately a normal distribution.
  9. Morality habits of juvenile are the core of it so that we should help them form good morality habits.
  10. The juvenile judicial system was generated and developed form the late 19 century, esp. after the World War II due to the increasing upsurges of juvenile delinquency had come to be a severe social problem.
  11. The stand diameter distribution of juvenile stand appears an inversed " J " form, and that of the half mature forest approximately a normal distribution.
  12. And every developed or semi-developed country in the world has trouble with orphans and homeless children, with some form of juvenile delinquency, with child abuse, with child labor issues.

juvenile form

juvenile form


adolescent: 指13至16岁左右处于青春期的人,尚不成熟。
youthful: 褒义或贬义均可用。指具有青年人的外貌或年轻人应具有的品格。
juvenile: 较正式用词,一般12岁以下的少年,着重其生理和智力上的不成熟。
young: 强调年龄小,处于生长的前期。

adolescent: 比teenager正式,侧重年龄。
teenager: 主要指13岁到19岁之间的青少年,强调这个年龄段的人的本身特点。
youth: 现在几乎专指男青年,尤指10多岁到20多一点的男青年,但作为集合名时间男女青年都可指。
juvenile: 指青少年,系法律上的常用词。

rgeister: 多指官方对人或事作出的正式书面记录或详细清单。
schedule: 既可指时间或计划的安排表,又可指详细列出的所有分类项的清单或细表。
roll: 多指人员的姓名名单,尤指属于团体或军事单位的全体人员名单。
form: 指上面印有横线或格让人填写规定内容的表格。
catalog(ue): 指列出有全部队名、物名或项目等的目录,有时附有简要说明的分类名单或一览表。
chart: 指把资料制成表格等形式供人看的图表。
list: 最普通用词,含义广。指按字母顺序、时间先后或类别等排列的姓名或项目等的单子。
table: 普通用词,一般指易于迅速查阅使用,具有特定编排方法的目录或表格。

figure: 指轮廓、外形,尤指体态,相貌或身体。
form: 最普通用词,含义广,既可指客观物体的外形,又可用于抽象概念的“形”。
shape: 通常指由线和面所围成的外观上的形,侧重立体形状。
outline: 指任何形状的轮廓线。