issuance of a note是什么意思 issuance of a note在线中文翻译

issuance of a note

issuance of a note 双语例句

  1. Traditionally, long-term fund-raising tools include Cash Increment, Depositary Receipts, Corporate Bond, Convertible Bond, Note Issuance Facility, or so-called stock shares or debt shares-linked instruments as well as hybrid financial instruments. With more and more exotic financial products coming into market nowadays and after the Act of Securitization of Financial Assets taking effect, the Bureau of Monetary Affairs, Financial Supervisory Commission, R. O. C. has pulled out all the stops for promoting domestic assets securitization market. In addition, with the implementation of a number of related laws and preferential tax bill, domestic businesses demands for financial securitization instruments are on the rise; on the other hands, innovative financial products linked with structured terms also provide a variety of choices for fund demanders.
    摘要 传统上长期筹资工具的种类包括现金增资、发行海外存托凭证、普通公司债、可转换公司债、发行票券循环融资额度…等股权、债权及股债混合产品,而在金融商品不断推陈出新的今日,自从民国九十一年七月二十四日公布实施「金融资产证券化条例」之后,在银行局对於国内证券化市场的推广不遗余力,并配合多项相关法令及税负优惠制度的实施下,近年来企业对於证券化产品融资工具的需求增加,新金融商品搭配结构式的条件设计,更提供资金需求者多元化的选择。
  2. We would note that US deficit funding fears seem overblown in the wake of this past week's $101 bio 3/5/7 year debt issuance, with foreign participation remaining healthy, but showing a preference for shorter maturities.
  3. A Meduim Term Note is a type of debt program is used by a company so it can have constant cash flows coming in from its debt issuance; it allows a company to tailor its debt issuance to meet its financing needs.
  4. Up to half of all issuance year-to-date has been from Chinese companies, leading Morgan Stanley to note Asia is evolving into a China-centric investment grade credit market.
  5. The relative ease of issuing made a huge difference: the volume of medium-term note issuance was nearly twice as large as that of exchange-listed bonds over the past two years.
  6. Mark Matthews, Singapore-based strategist at Macquarie, warned clients in a note last week that the recent avalanche in perpetual bond issuance from Asian companies, many of which had low or no credit ratings, was ominous.

issuance of a note

issuance of a note


attend: 一般用词,侧重专心于某事。
remark: 一般指经过思维活动而注意到。
mind: 指用心地去观察,了解某人或某物以达到某一目的。常用于命令句中。
notice: 指对所见所闻所感的人或事作出的反应,侧重结果。
note: 语气比notice强,指不仅注意到,而且记录下来,侧重注意的认真与仔细。

message: 指书信、口信、电报等。
correspondence: 集合名词,指全部来往信件。
letter: 最普通用词,泛指一切形式的书信,尤指邮寄的信。
note: 指内容直截了当的短信或便条,正式或非正式均可。