irl是什么意思 irl在线中文翻译

IRL 英 [ˌaɪɑ:r'el] 美 [ˌaɪɑ:r'el]

IRL 词典解释


IRL 网络解释

  1. 爱尔兰
    ...台北(TPE)吉尔吉斯斯坦(KGZ) 塔吉克斯坦(TJK)韩国(KOR) 土库曼斯坦(TKM)朝鲜(PRK) 泰国(THA)科威特(KUW) 阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)老挝(LAO) 乌兹别克斯坦(UZB)黎巴嫩(LIB) 越南(VIE)阿尔巴尼亚(ALB) 爱尔兰(IRL)安道尔(AND)...
  2. 尔兰
  3. 反向漏电流
    ...10.维持电流IH | 11.正向平均漏电流IFL | 12.反向漏电流IRL...
  4. 异戊胶乳
    ...IIRL--丁基胶乳 | IRL--异戊胶乳 | NBRL--丁腈胶乳...
  5. abbr. infarction related lesion; 建立梗塞相关病灶
  6. abbr. interrupt request lines; 中断请求线
  7. abbr. in real life; 网外生活,真实生活〖网语〗
  8. abbr. information retrieval language; 信息检索语言

IRL 双语例句

  1. Statistic analysis has been carried out of the 89 oncogene sequences of Ras clan, chosenfrom (IRL Press, 1993). The frequencies of codon usage, abundance of amino acid, utilization ratio of base and conserved place of nitron in non-codedarea are calculated.
  2. Offspring were then tested for male sexual behavior: mount frequency, MF; mount latency, ML; intromission frequency, IF; intromission latency, IL; ejaculation latency, EL; post ejaculatory interval, PEI; hit rate and female sexual behavior; approach latency, AL; mount return latency, MRL; intromission return latency, IRL; post ejaculatory refractory period, PER; lordosis quotient, LQ. Measures were made at the age of postnatal days 70 to 91, and 97 to 101, respectively.
    幼鼠出生后第70-91 d、97-101 d测试F1代雌鼠的接近时间、爬跨后返回时间、插入后返回时间、射精后不应期、脊柱前凸系数和雄鼠的爬跨频率、爬跨等待时间、插入频率、插入等待时间、射精等待时间、射精后不应期、插入率等性行为。
  3. Offspring were then tested for male sexual behavior: mount frequency, MF; mount latency, ML; intromission frequency, IF; intromission latency, IL; ejaculation latency, EL; post ejaculatory interval, PEI; hit rate and female sexual behavior; approach latency, AL; mount return latency, MRL; intromission return latency, IRL; post ejaculatory refractory period, PER; lordosis quotient, LQ.
  4. This effects suggests a new method for operation of the IRL in the shortwavelength, where the conventional input source is not avialable.
  5. The paper briefly introduces the new technology named IRL which can upgrade hardware by taking advantage of network, and presents the software and hardware environment in the receiver of the Xilinx IRL system.
  6. The design of the intelligence sampling system based on IRL Technology
  7. Based on the max-margin principle, we present an incremental approach to sequential IRL.
  8. An Architecture of Receiver Terminal in IRL System
  9. IRL system is divided into four parts: configurable logic creation module、configurable file downloading module、device drivers module which load FPGA reflection and fleetly validate module.
  10. The influence of the longitudinal component of the ion ripple electric field on beam wave interaction in an ion ripple laser is investigated by nonlinear numerical simulation.
  11. Effect and Toxicity of Mitoxantrone Contained Regimen irl the Treatment of Malignancies
  12. Researchers also compared IRL volumes on the left and the right sides of the brain.
  13. The idea of linking ethanol and the IndyCar Racing League (IRL) came from Paul Dana, a driver who died a year ago while practising for a race.
  14. Check your online name, and make sure you have not used one that may identify you IRL somehow.
  15. From the minute I listened to that stupid g irl's show on the radio.
  16. Ton y knew his g irl friend to be a shy college student.
  17. Except that w hen I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a g irl.
  18. She is a g ood En g lish g irl.
  19. G人生哲理短文irl Yeah, your dad just gave me the day before yesterday sent six, not yet eat it!
  20. What are your guildmembers doing IRL to be able to raid so much?

IRL 单语例句

  1. This would be the first overseas venture in the history of IRL.


[计] 中断请求线