ipts是什么意思 ipts在线中文翻译


IPTS 双语例句

  1. It can be used in spam filtering, or in your own shell scr ipts to use.
  2. IPTS international profession training qualification is recognized as yardstick of job skills by Global 500 companies, all walks of life and employers.
    目前培训机构没有一首完整的培训师之歌,以及培训师自己的节日,IPTS 在2006年12月创办国际职业培训师节日定为每年的12月2日。
  3. The software is easy to use Delphi VCL which both the powerful functions, you can detect that is a simple expression - or a lot of complex syntax, without the need for users with high depth of programming capability or preparing an entire application's attention scr iptS or other rules governing the use, you need only a simple expression embedded operating it.
    该软件使用方便且兼具DELPHI VCL的强大功能,你即可以检测一个简单的表达式或一大堆复杂的语法,而不需要使用者具有很高深的编程能力或从编写一整个的应用程序的scr iptS或者注意其他的使用规则等,你所需要的只是进行简单的内嵌表达式操作而已。
  4. Intelligent Burglarproof Calling System for Public Phones The Research of Signal Testing Automatically on IPTS
  5. The platinum resistance thermometer is a standard interpolating instrument of the international practical temperature scale of 1968 (IPTS-68), But the formula for resistance-temperature stipulated by IPTS-68 is very complex and has given rise to problems in calculation and measurement of low temperature.
  6. It is firstly proved that the non-independence among the candidates used in the Interleaved partitioning Partial Transmit Sequences (IPTS) results in the lower performance of IPTS, compared to the Adjacent partitioning PTS (APTS).
  7. GPS has great significance to IPTS and it speeds up the process of the Intelligent Management Bus.
  8. The advanced vehicle device is one of the key parts of Intelligent Public Transportation System (IPTS), which is based on GPS and WNs.
  9. Now, it has been applied in the research of non-uniqueness of IPTS and calibration of high temperature platinum resistance thermometers.


abbr. 国际实用温标(International Practical Temperature Scale)