interface keyword是什么意思 interface keyword在线中文翻译

interface keyword

interface keyword 双语例句

  1. Next the website that I go to visitting them, trichromatic cereal store Http://345.wdwd. com I feel to be able to look without what really, caption always is fond of joyous Dui keyword of a few Ge, whole page interface is mixed and disorderly, article table is illogical, the scrape together on the net did the article related one pile height.
  2. Note the implements keyword in the class definition where it's declared that this class implements the SensorListener interface.
  3. The magic here lies with the (keyword-like) def_interface method call.
  4. You may be tempted to use the DISTINCT keyword in HQL or distinct function in Criteria or the Java Set interface to eliminate duplicated data.
  5. Unlike regular interfaces, annotations must use the keyword @ in terface in their definitions.
  6. In view of the characteristic of the data exchange in the collaborative commerce system of manufacturing industrial chain, this paper presented a structure of data exchange adapter based on dynamic Web service. And involved a series of key technologies, which included Web service template extraction, router choices based on the user configuration server-side file, XML file reader, data exchange controller, the interface of data I/O, which could not only effectively solve the dynamic generation of Web service according to calling parameters driven for client identity and keyword, but also perfectly satisfy the requirement of configuration and flexibility of data exchange adapter in usage.

interface keyword

interface keyword