intensity of draft是什么意思 intensity of draft在线中文翻译

intensity of draft

intensity of draft 双语例句

  1. Based on household activity questionnaires and actual analytical concentrations, the main influencing factors accounted for gaseous PAHs in indoor air, identified by multifactor analysis of variance, include cigarette smoking, use of moth ball, intensity of draft, cuisine frequency and built age.
  2. In the end, the auto stowage program is designed on the basis of the feature of timber vessel in principle of pursuing maximum economic benefits. Some vessel technology indexes, such as reasonable optimization of stowage water, vessel draft, weight of deck cargo, ensure stability, draft, draft deviation, partial intensity of deck cargo and limitation of deck cargo required by look-out view and binding equipment.
  3. The interaction be- tween relative warm and wet down draft air from up level and cool air of surface layer is signifi- cant, which causes stronger wind shear, temperature and humidity inversion with typical wind shear of 10m. s~(-1)/100m, intensity of temperature inversion of 8℃/100m.
  4. Natural draft cooling tower was an important part of the thermal power plant. It was the main factors of affecting boundary noise, because of high source intensity, wide distribution, wide frequency band, and closing to the plant boundary.

intensity of draft

intensity of draft


sketch: 指用图、模型或语言描述来表示某一事物的整体情况。
draft: 用作动词时指按准确比例设计或打样;作名词时专指精确的草图或草案。
blueprint: 主要指绘制蓝图或制定纲领或规划。这个词引申用来指详细而具体的行动计划。
diagram: 侧重指用图形、图表等来说明。
outline: 主要给出事物要点或轮廓,强调简化了的整体。
plot: 可与draft和diagram换用,但侧重于表示具体的点、面、部分或目标,从而使相互关系以及和整体的关系得以明确。