inside ladder是什么意思 inside ladder在线中文翻译

inside ladder

inside ladder 双语例句

  1. The main attractions are: a spacious and the like lotus petals of a lotus stone; momentum Xuanang the Swallow rock; Guaishi around the inside of the Eight Immortals rock; spectacular volley, like the Stone Forest of the Eagle Rock-and-lian Dongtian, three stacked嶂Brown, Nan Tianmen, Ladder, Stone Gallery, Shi Feng, bottomless pit, White Lotus, Guanyinyan, fairy bridges.
  2. There are three ladder stairs reaching inside of it, however, the central one was reserved for only Dalai Lamas and central government magistrates dispatched to Tibet.
  3. Besides this, I had my Country Seat, and I had now a tollerable Plantation there also; for first, I had my little Bower, as I call'd it, which I kept in Repair; that is to say, I kept the Hedge which circled it in, constantly fitted up to its usual Height, the Ladder standing always in the Inside; I kept the Trees which at first were no more than my Stakes, but were now grown very firm and tall; I kept them always so cut, that they might spread and grow thick and wild, and make the more agreeable Shade, which they did effectually to my Mind.
  4. Besides this, I had my country seat, and I had now a tolerable plantation there also; for first, I had my little bower, as I called it, which I kept in repair; that is to say, I kept the hedge which circled it in, constantly fitted up to its usual height, the ladder standing always in the inside; I kept the trees which at first were no more than my stakes, but were now grown very firm and tall; I kept them always so cut, that they might spread and grow thick and wild, and make the more agreeable shade, which they did effectually to my mind.
  5. The material goes to the first hopper after the spiraling by the quill shaft from the feeding equipment. The hopper has ladder sheathing or corrugated sheathing with steel balls inside, which will fall under the effect of centrifugal force by barrel turning to ram hard and grind material.
  6. Suite inside ladder structure make it more administrative levels sense, streamline light is extremely strong, spectacular.
  7. Nat didn't look when we put the witch pie in Jim's pan; and we put the three tin plates in the bottom of the pan under the vittles; and so Jim got everything all right, and as soon as he was by himself he busted into the pie and hid the rope ladder inside of his straw tick, and scratched some marks on a tin plate and throwed it out of the window-hole.
  8. General provisions 1 Beijing Squash Ladder League is an annual amateur long term tournament in Beijing opened to all non-professional players regardless nationality, gender, age and level, and organized by the Beijing Section of China Squash Assotiation (CSA-Beijing), inside the frame of Chinese National Squash Leagues Championship.

inside ladder

inside ladder


interior: 指某物的内部,尤指某物的内侧;也可指内地的或国内的。
inward: 指朝着中心或内部方向的,侧重方向而不是位置;也可指内心的隐密活动。
inner: 含义广泛,指事物中心或接近中心的部位,也可指内心隐密的活动。
inside: 多指处于某物内部或靠近内部,常可与inner换用,可引申指内幕的,秘密的。
internal: 书面用词,医学上多用,指事物的内部,也可指国内的或内政的。