insert entropy是什么意思 insert entropy在线中文翻译

insert entropy

insert entropy 双语例句

  1. By introducing effective chain-insert on probability into the excess entropy and adopting wohl expression for the excess internal energy, a new Helmholtz function of mixing based on lattice theory with several universal constants has been established. Those universal constants are determined by Monte Carlo simulation data and referring to the Freed theory. This molecular thermodynamic model can be used to calculate the phase equilibria of multicomponent systems containing both small molecules and macromolecules.
    在格子模型基础上,通过引入有效链插入几率,并采用Wohl式表达过量内能,经过统计力学推导,得到了密堆积格子上含待定普适性常数的混合亥氏函数表达式,利用Monte Carlo计算机模拟数据并参考严格的非平均场Freed格子场理论求取了哪些未知普适性常数,最后得出了形式简单、适合于工程计算、可应用于多组分小分子、高分子混合物相平衡计算的分子热力学模型-S-H-L模型。
  2. The article build the mathematic model of terrain surface with the nonlinear insert calculation using the distance entropy function as the insert calculation function in terrain surface fitting and deal the visualization with grid method.
  3. By introducing effective chain - insert probability into the excess entropy and adopting Wohl expression for the excess internal energy, a molecular thermodynamic model for a multicomponent system based on the Flory - Huggins lattice model has been established.

insert entropy

insert entropy