index species是什么意思 index species在线中文翻译

index species

index species 双语例句

  1. Results demonstrate that with the succession going on from herbosa→shrubs→coniferous forest→theropencedrymion→evergreen broad-leaved forest, abundance and diversity index of species, biomass and productivity of vegetation all show a rising trend prior to the formation of a mature and stable biotic climax.
  2. The density index CPUE decreased year by year. Coilia mystus, Collichthys lucidus, Harpodon nehereus were dominant species.
  3. The composition of forest plant diversity was represented by total number of species, richness, species diversity index and evenness, meanwhile, the structure of forest plant diversity was divided into horizontal diversity and vertical diversity. The horizontal structure was described by pattern diversity, and the vertical structure was described by vertical structure diversity and coverage weighted foliage-height diversity.
  4. Methods We investigated mouse density by cage-catch in epidemic area and the surroundings during the outbreak of plague, identified species, counted mouse density and flea index, caught dissociated flea indoor by flea sticky paper and counted the index.
  5. Longipes, G. laxum, C. guangxiense and C. pentagynum were similar, but no features could characterize the species. There was no significant correlation among the content of total gypenosides and the structural index including the ratio of thickness of epidermis and cortex to stem diameter, vascular bundle area to stem area, external phloem area to stem area, and thickness of palisade tissue to that of spongy tissue.
  6. The similarity index between the standard spectra of one algae species and hypothetical mixed spectra of algae and spectra of mixed algae assemblage was calculated.
  7. Based on the field investigation, change of the plant species diversity index ent tourist disturbance.
  8. A stepwise regression analysis of species richness and environmental factors showed that the species richness was significantly correlated with growing season precipitation and warmth index.
  9. The plant species diversity of 9 associations in the Oxytropis coerulea community of mount Wutai was studied by using richness index, Simpson index, Shannon-Weiner index and evenness index, respectively. The results indicated that: The quantity of populations and species in the community have obvious unevenness character, which leads to variation of λ. index and H'index among different associations. R1 and H'increase firstly, and then decline slowly with the increase of elevation, which reach peak value at 2100 while E1 index waves steadily with elevation change.
  10. The species and phytomastigophora index of Liwan Lake were 100 and 24%, while those of Liuhua Lake were 107 and 26.16%, and those of Luhu Lake were 138 and 27.54%, respectively.
    目前 ,各地在进行城市环境综合治理时,均将城市内水体的富营养化及其防治作为重点,并已取得一定的效果[4,5] 。
  11. The result indicated that the numbers of protozoan species, phytomastigophora index, colonization process parameter (S eq, G, T 90%), diversity index d and community pollution value could well show the water quality.
    在我国 ,城市湖泊位于城市内或城市近郊,具有景观、旅游娱乐和养殖等多种使用功能,也曾是城市生活污水和工业废水排放场所。
  12. During restoration experiment, several functional and structural parameters, species, percentage of phytomastigophora, CPV, diversity index, heterotro-phy index and similarity index, were determined weekly.
  13. Antarctic krill Euphausia superba was particularly important in the diet of most abundant flying bird species in assemblages. The overlap index for krill sizes consumed give highest values in the comparisons between kelp gulls and chinstrap penguins.
  14. The structure of arthropod communities in paddy field located in complex habitats and in monotonous habitat was analysed. In complex habitats, species richness and individual number of predators were high and its index of dominnant concentration was low.
  15. Structure index was significantly (P.05) different among three plant species whereas channel index and enrichment index were not. Plant species not only modified abundance of plant-feeding, omnivorous and predatory nematodes, but also percentage of each trophic group. Bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes were affected most by the differences in plant species.
  16. The results showed: the variance analysis of colour parameters among different species eucalypt wood are significant and the color index in heartwood is higher than that in sapwood.
    摘 要:以五种桉树人工林木材为研究材料,用测色仪和氙衰减仪测试了五种桉树木材的颜色和耐光性,比较了这些桉树木材的颜色参数,结果表明:不同种类桉树木材材色参数之间差异显著,桉木心材部分的色品指数和色饱和度高于边材;桉木的耐光性随氙灯照射时间的增加而逐渐变差。
  17. 7 Species occurred in infauna and the dominance species obviously changes as the seasons going. From the community index, infauna community is instable.
    果表明,底内动物共出现7种,种类组成贫乏,优势种变化明显,生物量较98~98 年杭州湾调查资料有一定降低,物种多样性指数低并有下降趋势,群落结构极不稳定
  18. The diversity index of soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes was the highest but the evenness was lower in town-oasis, whereas in desert and gobi the diversity index was obviously lower, and the species evenness was higher.
  19. We demonstrate that the bispectral index monitor can detect interhemispheric asymmetry in the dolphin species Tursiops truncatus.
    在宽吻海豚属中,我们用 BIS 监测可以发现两个球之间脑电活的不平衡。
  20. The high diversity index and uniformity index showed the stability of food zooplankton community. Paracalanus parvus was the dominant species in Sansha Bay in each season.

index species

index species


category: 书面用词,特指有确切定义的群体。
sort: 普通用词,文体较kind随便,指对人或对事物进行的大概分类,有时含贬义。
species: 书面用词,单复数同形。指生物分类上的种。
classification: 指根据已经确定的类型对某一实物作鉴别和归类。
class: 正式用词,指门类、种类或优劣等级;用于指动植物的分类时,表示“纲”。
type: 指客观界限比较清楚,有相同本质特点的同类事物,或指大致相似的同类事物。
variety: 强调有各自的特点,形式不同,品质不同的种类。
kind: 指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西。