in the dead of winter是什么意思 in the dead of winter在线中文翻译

in the dead of winter

in the dead of winter 双语例句

  1. Chopin's grave attracts numerous visitors and is invariably festooned with flowers, even in the dead of winter.
  2. If you do live in a similar climate that is going to be humid and relatively warm throughout the winter, you can keep this plant growing outside, as long as the temperature does not go much below the 30`s or 40`s. This plant here has started to go into dormancy. What we want to do is trim back the dead leaves and get ready to put it into the winter dormancy. If you live in a very hot climate, you can place this plant in your refrigerator, and if you have a lot of plants, what you can do is take it out of the pot first. We can see that there is still a good amount of soil around the base of this plant. You want to put some soil in a plastic bag first; just a little bit of soil. Place the plant inside the soil inside the bag, and this is to lock in humidity and moisture for the plant.
  3. Now why would a university have their spring break in the dead of winter?
  4. Traditional production methods in November each year -12 winter weather on the day of the election, will be able to grow mushrooms cutting of dead trees, the wood surface with刀斧to cut a number of knife-edge, and then set aside in the moist, shady and cool stream or a ditch roots, the question that is the beginning of the second year of a long winter mushrooms, not even close to two years.
  5. Sector D is a neighborhood in the American mind, the psychic equivalent of the neighborhood you find yourself lost in after getting off at the wrong exit on the New Jersey Turnpike, a winter neighborhood strewn with broken glass, and packs of dogs circling your car as you struggle to fix a flat tire on a dead-end street while derelicts glare at you over a barrel fire and darkness descends.
  6. The Celtics'mythology taught that with the coming of winter, a season of the dead, came a night in which the spirits of the dead could freely roam about with humans.
  7. And also I know that it's a dead season in summer of hainan, the price of air fare and hostels is cheaper than in winter.
  8. O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it – for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet!
  9. One day in the dead of winter, I looked out my back window and saw a chicken.
  10. One day in the dead of winter, I looked out of my back window and saw a chicken.
  11. I have occasional visits in the long winter evenings, when the snow falls fast and the wind howls in the wood, from an old settler and original proprietor, who is reported to have dug Walden Pond, and stoned it, and fringed it with pine woods; who tells me stories of old time and of new eternity; and between us we manage to pass a cheerful evening with social mirth and pleasant views of things, even without apples or cider —— a most wise and humorous friend, whom I love much, who keeps himself more secret than ever did Goffe or Whalley; and though he is thought to be dead, none can show where he is buried.
  12. This one's about new life in the dead of winter...
  13. If you had to live here in the dead of winter, you wouldn't think it so delightful.
  14. Vladimir Feigin, the director of Moscow's Institute for Energy and Finance, told VOA that Europe's active interest in the Ukrainian pipeline system comes as a result of January's gas war between Moscow and Kyiv, which disrupted European fuel supplies in the dead of winter.
    莫斯科能源和财政研究所主任Vladimir Feigin告诉VOA记者,他说欧盟之所以对乌克兰的天然气管道系统的兴趣这么强烈,是因为一月份莫斯科和基辅的天然气大战中断了处于隆冬中的欧盟的燃料供应。
  15. And I actually got certified in a pool in a YMCA in the dead of winter in Buffalo, New York.
  16. Early one Thursday morning in the dead of winter I awoke to a blizzard.
  17. In the dead of winter they found the last survivors.
  18. We used to go for walks in the forest in the dead of winter.
  19. I write you in the dead of winter from a summer village by the Atlantic Ocean.
  20. I've been guilty of it twice, both during lonely times in the dead of winter.

in the dead of winter 单语例句

  1. In the dead of winter, there were no pitiful faces haunting the side windows of taxis.
  2. Garcia said he meets his teacher at midnight when he's busy, practicing outdoors in a public park until 4 am even in the dead of winter.

in the dead of winter

na. 在隆冬
[网络] 隆冬时期;在严冬时
in the dead of winter


dead: 指已停止呼吸和心脏跳动,与alive(活着的,活的)相对。
dying: 指奄奄一息,行将死亡。