hydrodynamic drag是什么意思 hydrodynamic drag在线中文翻译

hydrodynamic drag

hydrodynamic drag 双语例句

  1. Meanwhile, the method of dynamic mesh and post-processing system are also full used. Hydrodynamic forces of a rudder at a range of attack angles were calculated, and stall angle, lift and drag force beyond the stall angle are predicted.
  2. Drag reduction effectiveness and resistance to degradation in relation fo molecular weight and hydrodynamic volume of poly (hexyl methacrylate) in kerosene solution and ketone/kerosene mixed solvent were studied.
  3. The main points are as follows: (1) Taken the hydrodynamic drag device as studied object, according to its structural characteristics and operating conditions, established three-dimensional physical model and turbulence mathematical model under the Cartesian coordinate system.
  4. The tension force, shear forces (including pushing force, cutting force and friction force), impulse force, hydrodynamic drag on the suction pipes, and the force resulted from the pressure difference, etc, are the main forces for detail discussion in this paper.
  5. Through the drag and composite motion pool experiments hydrodynamic parameters are given.
  6. On basis of complete hydrodynamic model of towed system, lift force and drag force of controllable wings are analyzed to choose the right aerofoil. The variable range of angle of attack has been achieved through fluid experiments.
  7. This paper tends to introduce the measurement equipments for the coefficient of hydrodynamic, such as active drag in freestyle, passive drag in towing or gliding after starting or turning, force on palms and total mechanical power efficiency during swimming.
  8. Hydrodynamic Behavior of Polymers in Drag Reducing Flow

hydrodynamic drag

hydrodynamic drag


draw: 指将人或物朝出力者的方向拖,不涉及力的大小,含平稳意味,常作借喻用。
jerk: 指快而突然地拉。
tow: 特指用绳子或链条等拖或拉本身无动力或无法使用自身动力的东西。
pull: 最普通用词,包含本组其它各词的一些意思,可指朝各个方向拉,侧重一时或突然拉动的动作。
drag: 指沿斜坡而上或水平方向缓慢地拖或拉十分沉重的人或物。作借喻时可指把人硬拉扯过来。
haul: 指用力拖或拉,不涉及方向,多作航海用词。
tug: 多指一阵阵地用力拖或拉,但不一定使被拉的人或物移动。