hurricane tide是什么意思 hurricane tide在线中文翻译

hurricane tide

hurricane tide 双语例句

  1. The Redeemer retains the assault cannon and flag launchers of the Crusader, but eschews the hurricane bolter sponsons for colossal flame projectors that send a billowing tide of burning promethium into the thick of the foe.
  2. May 1. In the Morning looking towards the Sea-side, the Tide being low, I saw something lye on the Shore bigger than ordinary, and it look'd like a Cask; when I came to it, I found a small Barrel, and two or three Pieces of the Wreck of the Ship, which were driven on Shore by the late Hurricane, and looking towards the Wreck itself, I thought it seem'd to lye higher out of the Water than it us'd to do; I examin'd the Barrel which was driven on Shore, and soon found it was a Barrel of Gunpowder, but it had taken Water, and the Powder was cak'd as hard as a Stone; however I roll'd it farther on Shore for the present, and went on upon the Sands as near as I could to the Wreck of the Ship to look for more.

hurricane tide

hurricane tide


typhoon: 主要指西太平洋海洋上发生的极猛烈的风暴,风力常达十级以上。
storm: 指雷电交加的暴风雨,也多作引申用。
hurricane: 指12级大风,有时指发生在西印度群岛的大气旋。