hot gas purification是什么意思 hot gas purification在线中文翻译

hot gas purification

hot gas purification 双语例句

  1. The occurrence of acetylene, from raw materials to the precision of the filling acetylene bottle, after three purification, drying, such as three-tier multi-channel processes, apart from effective to hydrogen sulfide, phosphine, water and other harmful impurities, so that the purity of acetylene gas as high as more than 99% of the acetylene gas to avoid phosphorus, sulfur impurities in the welding and cutting operations transferred to the molten metal in the Department caused by deterioration of weld quality, weld porosity occur, resulting in cold or hot brittle brittle and other undesirable phenomena.
  2. The characters of the Rectisol process are as follows: good absorbency, high gas purification degree, carbon dioxide can be removed from export gas by 10-20ppm, and the inorganic and carbon oxysulfide can be cleaned by less than 0.1 ppm; as a absorbent, the methanol can be acquired easily, and it is very cheap; its selectivity is good, and the solubility of carbon dioxide, sulfureted hydrogen and carbon oxysulfide is very big, but the solubility of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane is very small; the temperature of boiling point is low, and its hot regeneration temperature is low, and the enemy of consumption is also low.

hot gas purification

hot gas purification


atmosphere: 指围绕有的星球,特别是围绕地球的空气,即大气层。也可指环境气氛。
air: 指空气,也泛指一般气体。
gas: 指气态物,尤指供燃烧取暖或照明的气体,其中一部分称作瓦斯。

warm: 通常指温度不太高,介于hot与cold之间,不太热也不太凉,给人以舒适感。
hot: 最普通用词,指温度很高,往往有灼热、滚烫含义。
burning: 暗示热源是火,多用于夸张,指像火烧一样热。