home population是什么意思 home population在线中文翻译

home population

home population 双语例句

  1. Our country is worth town to change, industrialized acceleration period, the home market perspective of 1.3 billion population is wide, the rural market potential that has 800 million population especially is infinite.
  2. This is circulating in the population age 30 Ertaizi Township village story, the Arab-Israeli persimmon grandmother's home is the sea of people, the Arab-Israeli persimmon grandmother must deal with every day help them catch a few hands and the fish must also be contacted.
  3. India also is home to the secondlargest Muslim population in the whole world. We have morethan 150 million Muslims in India. India also has largecommunities of Christians of all denominations, and a smallbut old community that follows Judaism. Almost all thereligions of the world are represented in India. which are the ancient Indian books of knowledge. The prayerIt means:Lead me from Untruth to Truth; Lead me fromDarkness to Light; Lead me from Death to Eternal Life. Let there be peace, let there be peace that passeth
  4. You will feel very close to home because Richmond has a very large Chinese population with asian shopping malls, restaurants, and entertainment.
  5. In Pelican Rapids, he assists Bosnian, Roma, and Somali refugees with a variety of needs - a vital service in a community where 25 percent of the population speaks a language other than English in the home.
  6. According to figures published by the UPU in Africa, at least 12% of the population does not have a postal service and 66% of people must go to a postal facility to retrieve their mail and receive 22% home (against 81% world average).
  7. Methods A population sample of 1935 aged above 16 years from a nature village and a home community was surveyed in Taian region, test was taken in preliminary and recheck investigation, final diagnosis was make in hospital and normotopia and lateral position photograph of knee joint was taken with x-rays.
  8. Methods A population sample of 1935 aged above 16 years from a nature village and a home community was surveyed in Taian region, test paper was taken in preliminary and recheck investigation, final diagnosis was make in hospital and normotopia and lateral position photograph of knee joint was taken with x-rays.
  9. With more than 1.6 million registered pedigree cows, Germany is the home of biggest herdbook population all over the world.
  10. The township a total of 13 administrative villages, 43 villages, 2693 of which 13, 759 were non-agricultural population of 161, with a total area of 39.75 square kilometers home.
  11. In recent years, as conditions have improved at home, the population has increased slightly.
  12. My home village has a population of more than one thousand people, most of whom are farmers.
  13. When we analyse language use in the home, we see there is a tendency to speak Castilian at home, stronger in the younger population than in the older (58.6% compared to 37.2%, if we analyse the extremes).
  14. So, I think, in this world, home is a place full of affection, which sometimes bamboo fence huts, sometimes in high housing Hua, and some time in the homeless population.
  15. Meichuan Wuxue City is located in the northern part of town, is located in Qichun, Huang, Wuxue three counties junction, the territory of 272 square km area, 142, 000 of the total population, urban area of four square kilometers, urban population of 36, 000 people, Xiaman 5 community, 79 administrative villages: Meichuan, politics, Pu Mei, Sangzi Park, Mountain, Yang embankment, slope Wuli, Wang, Whitehead, Zhang, the next process, Tonggu, Shilipu, bridge, storm dragon, cursory, FAN Bo tree, Nguyen Gallery, Fan should be you, Miss V VII, Si-Li, Luo, including France, West Wing, Zheng Hu, Wang埒, solutionsnian ci, Zhen Lu, Xie Jin Pei, Lü ancestors, Lu Quan II, Water Tower Bridge, Chestnut Hill, Hu, Yang Shop, chen fu lu, Si River, Zhang Ji, inserted Kei, 垴Kenzan, Wu farm, Shek, stone vessels, 垴solutions, Li 2, Sally population, Village, Song Li benefit Zhao, Mountain, buried Guo, Wu, Song Chong, lotus leaf forest, evergreen forest, peaks I, together, under Zhao, View Hill, Stephen I, Changling, Zhang Xian, Wang, Zhang card, Home Wensheng, Ma Long, last Hao, Taos, fang hong, home bars, Liu, Rao for the city, Cai, pangu file Chapter I.
  16. For whenever the temper of the Women is thus exasperated by confinement at home or hampering regulations abroad, they are apt to vent their spleen upon their husbands and children; and in the less temperate climates the whole male population of a village has been sometimes destroyed in one or two hours of simultaneous female outbreak.
  17. Moreover, this article gives an analysis and research on the general ideas andconcrete measures of improving the national treatment of rural floating population, drawing on the practical experience from home and abroad: 1 it puts forward theguiding ideology, basic principles and measures, and basic consideration of improvingthe national treatment of rural floating population, and also draws up near-term goaland long-term target to solve the current major problems and that of in depth.
  18. The population of my home town is thinning down now that so many people are going to the cities.
  19. Tokuyama Yamaguchi Li Shek Mun Town along the report from the masses that they had discovered the escape process Yueyu Fan crackers and cigarette butts left behind, as well as reports from the public, said Liu fugitives had gone to discuss the local population to eat at home is estimated that potential to the local fugitives 2 top of the mountains.
  20. Middle school students are the key population for preventing and controlling drug abuse, and favourable home environment, parents` correct educational way and healthy school and society environments the important factors for preventing and curing drug abuse in the meddle school students.

home population 单语例句

  1. With the birth of the four cubs, the center is now home to 71 pandas - the world's largest captive panda population.
  2. Increased car and home ownership within the general population should increase demand for personal insurance protection.
  3. The population of the city proper is around 11 million, and the adjacent metropolitan areas are home to a further 18 million.
  4. The tents in the refugee camps dotted around the city will also be sprayed, but those are home to only a tiny fraction of the population.
  5. To drive home the message of population control, the slogans sprung up like weeds after family planning became a national policy in 1979.
  6. In addition to this, the Bay Area is home to the biggest Chinese population in the US.
  7. The region is home to a population that holds 60 to 80 percent of its wealth in bank deposits.
  8. It also faces huge consumption demands from its growing population at home.
  9. All these have helped increase the urban population, pushing up home prices.
  10. Many of them are located in Fujian, the ancestral home of most of the Philippines'ethnic Chinese population.

home population

home population


people: 具体的人 China has a large population.
population: 人口,人数,

home: 指永久住家时,带有家庭所特有的温暖、情感等气息。
building: 泛指一切建筑物,不限于居住的房子。
residence: 指大而堂皇的寓所或公馆,也指法律上的居住点。
shelter: 可指长期或临时的住处,也指简陋或临时搭建的躲避风雨的场所。
dwelling: 正式用词,仅指人们居住的任何建筑物。
habitation: 指长久或固定的住所或居住地。
house: 中性词,泛指一切供居住的建筑物,尤指适合一家一户居住的房屋。

home: 家,带有感情色彩
dwelling: 住所,公寓
shelter: 庇护处(收容所,庇护所)
household: 抽象的家庭,并含有家事,家务之意
family: 家庭,指组成家庭的成员
house: 房屋,住宅
lodging: 寄宿处