holding vessel是什么意思 holding vessel在线中文翻译

holding vessel

holding vessel 双语例句

  1. Snuff-taking began as an elite pastime during the early 18th century, and snuff boxes were considered prized and distinctively personal items made of gold, porcelain and enamel, and were frequently embellished with precious objects; snuff-boxes did not only serve a functional purpose as a vessel for holding snuff, but were also often exchanged as love tokens or ambassadorial gifts in aristocratic and diplomatic circles.
  2. A flexible closed cell design provides conformability and true vessel reconstruction at the neck of the aneurysm and an advanced scaffold for coil support, holding the coils in place inside the aneurysm.
  3. Work Description: a red sun rising from the sea level, a step away from the sun is far different place in the clouds to changes in sea level over the sun, the clouds reflected in water to form a eye-like shape, and the days to constitute the sea insight into the world's eyes, a panoramic view of all things, a lot of painting the sea vessel, as well as whales, right below the shelves a fairy tale, the Pandora's box holding Zeus who took over from the box, looked at the sun, flying to human, although, unfortunately, human disaster, but there is hope for humanity.
  4. The Charterers to have the option of re- delivering the Vessel upon completion of discharge, paying Owners or Crew members a lumpsum of maximum in lieu of holding cleaning including dunnage removal.
  5. It was a bizarrely imagined creation, with its centerpiece a large bronze vessel surrounded by eight dragons, each holding a sphere in its mouth.
  6. A: a vessel for holding liquids; specifically: a drinking vessel
  7. By studying the relationships between the cable tension and the vessel motion and between the cable tension and the anchor holding power, a mathematical mode of dragging anchor prediction has been presented for the general merchant ships at a single anchor.
  8. Results In control group, the difference was significant, P < 0.025.Conclusion Blood vessel protection measures can decrease the injure by the hyperalimentation fluid, prolong the holding period of integrated catheter.
  9. A small vessel holding writing ink into which a pen can be dipped.

holding vessel 单语例句

  1. The forward section of the vessel was holding on the reef, but had suffered further damage to its rear section.
  2. The DPRK was also still holding four ROK fishermen and their boat seized last month after the vessel strayed into northern waters.
  3. But the buildup in pressure inside the vessel holding Unit 3's reactor presented some danger, forcing officials to consider venting.

holding vessel

holding vessel


craft: 船只的集合名词,但可指单独的船只。
vessel: 多指运货或运人的大船。
ship: 含义广,一般指大轮船,如航海船只,内河航运船只。
canoe: 指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。
steamer: 指靠蒸汽发动机为动力的船只。
boat: 泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船。

motorway(free way,express way): 高速公路;
vessel: 血管,管道,一般指细小管道;
pavement(sidewalk): 街道两旁的人行道;
highway: 通常指市区外可以通行各种机动车辆的交通干线;
route: 路线,航线;path:乡间小路,公园小径;
trail: 指人或兽在森林、荒野或山中踩出的小径或崎岖小道
street: 尤指城市中的道路;
way: 可指各种路、道或通道,也可指抽象的道路、方法;
road: 广阔平坦的大道,多指公路;
channel: 海峡,渠道,管道;
lane: 指农村或城镇的小道或小径,也指小巷;