heuristic question是什么意思 heuristic question在线中文翻译

heuristic question

heuristic question 双语例句

  1. This method considers the information of question's interrogative part and non-interrogative part, and heuristic rules are used to expand question's relation triples to match metamorphosing answer sentences.
  2. The question about the file allocation strategy is researched on the cluster computing system of parallel I/O. A new dynamic file assignment algorithm named heuristic load & variance of service time integrated balancing strategy is proposed.
  3. Confirming the three existing forms of Confucian heuristic teaching plays a very important role in such fields as improving the teaching method of full-class instillation which is popular in various classroom teaching and pseudo-elicitation teaching method of " the teacher asks a question and the students answer it ".
  4. The application of the heuristic methods in medical biology teaching is studied by four aspects, optimizing the teaching materials and matters, creating the question environments, seizing occasion to discuss and the varieties of the discussion in terms of the characteristics of medical biology.
  5. Confirming the three existing forms of Confucian heuristic teaching plays a very important role in such fields as improving the teaching method of full-class instillation which is popular in various classroom teaching and pseudo-elicitation teaching method of " the teacher asks a question and the students answer it ".

heuristic question

heuristic question


inquire: 较正式用词,指为得到真实情况而详细询问或调查了解。
question: 指因感到可疑或为了解情况,弄清究竟而发问,有时指一连串的发问。
ask: 最普通用词,可与demand, inquire和question换用,但ask用于口语中,指提出问题让人回答。
demand: 指根据自己的权利、职责或身份认为有必要弄清情况而正式发问,常隐含命令对方回答的意味。

matter: 含义不很具体,暗示人们考虑和关心的事和话题。
issue: 多指意见能达到一致的问题,着重争论或讨论中的问题。
problem: 指客观上存在的、难以处理或难以理解的问题。
question: 通常指用口头或书面提出来要求回答或有待讨论解决的问题。