hera是什么意思 hera在线中文翻译


Hera 词典解释

形容词High Explosive Rocket Assisted 火箭助推榴弹

Hera 网络解释

  1. 海娜
    ...一个名叫艾克 (Echo)的女子,她是空气和地球之神的女儿,也是天后海娜 (Hera)的侍女. 有天,不小心冒犯了主人,竟被剥夺了说话的能力,只能重复着纳西沙斯欺凌少女的类似事件层出不穷,最后终于被主持公义的复仇女神尼美西斯 (Nemesis)知道,...
  2. 天后赫拉
    ...地神 该娅(Gaea) 天神 乌拉诺斯(Uranus) 泰坦巨神(Titans) 天神 克洛诺斯(Cronus) 泰坦女神 瑞娅(Rhea) 泰坦巨神 普罗米修斯(Prometheus) 泰坦巨神 厄庇米修斯(Epimetheus) 天神 宙斯(Zeus) 天后 赫拉(Hera) 海神 波塞冬(P...
  3. 宙斯之妻赫拉
    ...神话由来:传说当海克利斯和西多拉交战时,螃蟹为了救好友西多拉,以蟹脚钳住海克利斯,未料反被踩死. 但女神宙斯之妻赫拉(Hera)同情这只好心而可怜的螃蟹,遂让它上天,成为星座,即巨蟹座....

Hera 双语例句

  1. When the infant Heracles caught Hera''s two serpents in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child''s fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy.
  2. When the infant Heracles caught Hera's two serpents in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child's fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy.
  3. The magnificent temple of Zeus, there are seven world, Hera temple of Zeus, exotic and magnificent sports arena.
  4. For a minute she gazed at me; her purple smoky eyes were absolutely without expression and did not wink, and I remembered that the Gods or Goddesses never wink, and felt that I was face to face with the ox-eyed Hera.
  5. On this day, the ancient Greeks to the Greek gods, the mother of Xi Buli (Cybele, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia's mother, so that the mother of the gods) tribute.
  6. Can you hera me cry?
  7. You can also present hera gift certificate and a bunch of tiger lilies, which certainly match the energy level and vibrancy of the Aries mothers.
  8. The results show that this process can be measured at DESY HERA, and ηc production has different features from J/Ψ production, which is weakly affected by the initial and final state gluon radiation.
    结果说明此过程产生的截面可以在DESY HERA上探测。在NRQCD理论框架下,ηc的产生是一个纯色八重态过程。
  9. It caused a violent quarrel among the three goddesses, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.
  10. It caemploy a violent quarrel among the Number 3 goddesses, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.
  11. Caused a violent quarrel among the three goddesses, It Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.
  12. Hera, of course not, for one repulse, give up killing heracles'and she intentionally let heracles'crazy, irrational killing his wife and children.
  13. Hera baths regularly in the spring of Cana thus, near argos, and thus renews her virginity
  14. Hera bathes regularly in the spring of Canathus, near argos, and thus renews her virginity
  15. Hera bathes regularly in the spring of Cana thus, near argos, and thus renews her virginity
  16. Hera baths regularly in the spring of Canathus, near argos, and thus renews her virginity
  17. When Hera learnt it, she was furious.
  18. Now it happened that Hera, wife of Zeus, the was very jealous of a beautiful rivernymph, called Io.
  19. Now it happened that Hera, the wife of Zeus, was very jealous of a beautiful rivernymph, called Io.
  20. Now it happened that Hera, the wife of Zeus, was very jealous of a beautiful river nymph, called Io.

Hera ['hiәrә]

n. 赫拉(主神宙斯之妻)
n. queen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology; sister and wife of Zeus remembered for her jealously of the many mortal women Zeus fell in love with; identified with Roman Juno