hardening of the arteries是什么意思 hardening of the arteries在线中文翻译

hardening of the arteries

hardening of the arteries 双语例句

  1. In addition to block disease, lower cholesterol, prevent hardening of the arteries, the treatment of high blood pressure.
  2. These are caused by an important factor in hardening of the arteries.
  3. In some recent animal studies, Saez pointed out, activation of LXRs using synthetic molecules also induced regression of atherosclerosis, the clogging, narrowing, and hardening of the body`s large arteries and blood vessels that can lead to stroke, heart attack, and eye and kidney problems.
  4. Pomelo grapefruitMicronesia, help prevent artery hardening of the arteries, lower cholesterol, decomposition of fat, go Qinghuo hot, non-ferrous metals and radioactive elements to reduce the accumulation in the body, helps prevent the occurrence of cancer and other diseases; pomelo Micronesia grapefruit, but also contribute to security color beauty, beauty retaining capacity, and enhance physical fitness, health promotion.
  5. Sleepily, in pitch darkness, cause delay did not say, waste of beverages, over time, induced cirrhosis, accelerated hardening of the arteries, central paralysis, intelligent stiff, He made long life?
  6. Hardening of the heart ages people more quickly than hardening of the arteries.
  7. Miller has been studying the link between atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and nanoparticles which calcify within the arteries.
  8. Atherosclerosis is a thickening and hardening of medium-sized and larger arteries with narrowing of the arterial lumen by atherosclerotic plaques.
  9. The exact cause is unknown, but risks include high blood pressure, smoking, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), trauma and Marfan's syndrome.
  10. Hardening of the coronary arteries can lead to a heart attack.
  11. Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is an inflammatory disease in which the walls of the blood vessels are thickened and become less elastic.
  12. Levels of compounds linked to hardening of the arteries and other cardiac problems had also dropped, while levels of'good'cholesterol – thought to protect against heart disease – rose.
  13. Cold showers also increase your overall blood circulation, which can help you avoid hypertension and the hardening of arteries.
  14. Meyers says that exercise also limits inflammation associated with heart trouble, such as arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries around the heart, which may lead to heart attacks.
  15. Triglycerides can lead to hardening of the arteries.
  16. For ordinary people who have bleeding tendency, especially the tendency to have hardening of the arteries of the elderly, be more beneficial to eat an orange envelope.

hardening of the arteries 单语例句

  1. This type of stroke is often caused by hardening of the arteries.

hardening of the arteries

[网络] 动脉硬化;血管粥样硬化;动脉的硬化
hardening of the arteries