hard texture是什么意思 hard texture在线中文翻译

hard texture

hard texture 双语例句

  1. Oakwood:Hard texture, large proportion, large intensity, compactness fabric, moisture resistance, abrasion resistant, hard to geling, easy coloration, coarseness vein, thicker solenocyte, distinctness wood ray, hard to dryness.
  2. Chengde Mountain Pecan is a kind of light industry products, its hard shell texture, the texture clear.
  3. The series product of produce include; The environmental protection foam rubber the paint, high class gathers the ammonia fat paint, the furniture profession paint, metals paint, the special kind craft paint, prevent fire two use repair the flexible coating, refractory coating of paint, texture, not poisonous and solid turn, have no a hard tube gum, floor gum, glass gum, all-powerful gum appropriation detergent, fragrance extract, net prints the printing ink, and the atom ash, familiar gum powder, wool brush various assistance materials of etc..
  4. Patients have dorsal penile sizes of single or multiple plaque-like or cord-like nodules, hard texture, such as cartilage, micro-touch pain, in pain when erection and bending, but in a weak state can not obviously does not apply.
  5. The following resection specimens from the initial section can be judged vicious check: 1 medullary carcinoma of the soft texture, the cut surface gray, hemorrhage, necrosis and the formation of cysts; ② hard cancer cut surface gray, shrink-like scar flu, radiating out to the surrounding, non-coated; ③ tube the characteristics of the cancer involving multiple catheter, or even the direction of the nipple infiltration cut surface gray, sometimes out-of acne; ④ lobular carcinoma of the soft texture, shape and more irregular cut surface gray, pink, and sometimes block of connection only see thickening of the breast.
  6. Pillowslip is best to use soft, white or light-colored cotton production, Pillow texture should be soft, lightweight, breathable, moisture absorption, and soft and hard moderate option articulatus, buckwheat skin, Po绒等filling materials.
  7. I plant the production of diameter 14-27MM sponge rubber sponge ball and emery ball, it has a texture of soft, flexible medium, strong resistance to abrasion, water absorption, and scaling performance, etc., are today's condensing steam turbine washing detergent skilled brass guitar can be hard when dirt washed emery ball, the current products have been sold nationwide in the power generation, chemical industry, metallurgy and other fields and have gained popularity and have become indispensable in these sectors of production tools, but also in these industries to save energy, reduce labor intensity, improve equipment utilization of essential supplies.
    我厂生产直径 14 -27MM 橡胶海绵球和金刚砂海绵球,它具有质地柔软、弹性适中、耐磨性强、吸水性好、除垢性能好等优点,是当今冲洗汽轮机凝结铜管除垢的能手,结硬垢时可采用金刚砂球冲洗,目前该产品已畅销全国发电、化工、冶金等领域并深受欢迎,并成为这些行业不可缺少的生产工具,同时也是这些行业节约能源、降低劳动强度、提高设备利用率的必备用品。
  8. Java wood carvings mostly made of ebony and teak, which texture is hard and dense. There are many marvelous animals works, such as eagle, deer, ox, and the king of cartoon -–toucan. As well as legend characters, the vivid Java fish man, laden, and other abstract art works.
    爪哇木雕大都用质地坚硬、花纹细密的乌木 ebony、柚木 teak 等木料雕刻而成,精美的手工凿造出来的造型千姿百态,有栩栩如生的神鹰、神鹿、雄狮、雄牛等动物及具有代表性的红色卡通之王——巨嘴鸟 toucan 等各种禽鸟,有维妙维肖的爪哇渔夫、少女、有民间故事中脍炙人口的传奇人物,也有当代各种抽象艺术形象。
  9. Bamboo texture hard, regardless of wind and rain, do not bow folding section, the body is still erect.
  10. Red bean, alias love pea, is characterd by its hard texture and bloody color. Like a beating heart, red and shiny, it will never fade.
  11. Red beans, also known as Xiang Sidou, texture hard, Seyan such as blood, the shape of the beating heart, red and shiny, not bore does not rot, color crystal, and never fade.
  12. It is hard and tough in texture and difficult to comminute so that active constituents is uneasy to be extracted, thus prosessed products are often used.
  13. Hard candy is one white sugar, starch-based material syrup taste of a hard, brittle candy; Hard candy is candy sandwich containing rolls of hard candy; White sugar are creamed candy, starch syrup, oil and dairy products mainly made of materials, protein not below 1.5% fat not less than 3.0%, has a special flavor and creamed Coke flavor candy; gel candy is edible glue, white sugar and starch syrup material mainly made of soft texture of candy; the surface is polished candy Bright solid candy; gum is white sugar candy and plastic-based material can be made of materials or blowing chewing candy; inflatable of sugar candy is within the finer uniform bubble candy; Pressed candy after granulation, bonding, forming the suppression of candy.
  14. It w as made of white gaoling clay, that produced a very fine paste, and it had a pure white color a nd hard texture.
  15. Boss Zhang for journalists showed a collection of Hotan white jade, white jade and fine texture, luster moisture, hard and yet rich in toughness.
  16. Possessing the benefit of texture tightness, non- crazing, hard to distort, and also can defend expanding shrinking and warping.
  17. Material hard, heavy, texture clear, but lighter in color, structure, medium, smooth cutting surface.
  18. Shape differences, generally thought form irregular, edge, hard texture.
  19. Mid or small size, hard texture, no canvas bag or too much casual in style
    包 Bag 中等或小型尺寸,质地偏硬,不宜帆布包
  20. Texture is an important image feature that is hard to describe and has no acknowledged precise definition yet.

hard texture 单语例句

  1. The soft and fluffy texture of the swans'feathers are so expertly crafted that it is hard to believe that they are made of porcelain.
  2. Osmanthus trees are as hard as rhinoceros horns and have a fine texture.
  3. The hard, light orange ones with the same crisp texture as a pear or an apple.

hard texture

hard texture


difficult: 比hard较为正式,侧重需要特别的能力、智力、判断力、技巧或勇气才能克服障碍。也可指深奥或抽象的难题。
hard: 含义广,通俗用词,与easy相对,泛指任何难理解,不好处理或不易做的事。

solid: 着重质地紧密、坚实和无间隙,含有在外部压力下仍可保持原有形状的意味。
firm: 侧重指质地坚硬、不易切割或有弹性,一旦变形会很快恢复原形。
hard: 侧重有抗拒压力或拉力的性质,但不一定有弹性。

hardly: 几乎不 I can hardly believe it.
hard: 努力, work hard