haploid phase是什么意思 haploid phase在线中文翻译

haploid phase

haploid phase 双语例句

  1. Such a dikaryon cannot apparently exist independently of the haploid phase.
  2. In plants and algae that undergo alternation of generations, a gametophyte is the multicellular structure, or phase, that is haploid, containing a single set of chromosomes, and has its own information on genetic expression.
  3. Male gametogenesis is one of the key steps in plant sexual reproduction and is essential for the alternation between the diploid sporophytic phase and haploid gametophytic phase in the life cycle of higher plants.
  4. Through chisquare inspection there is markedness disparity(P.05). The highest group of S phase cell percentage is the zhengqi-weak-evil-strong type(58.3%), the Liver-qi stagnation and phlegm stagnation type is equal to Chong-ren-disorder type(17.9%, 23.2%). Through chisquare inspection there is markedness disparity among them(P.05). Conclusion: 1. DNA haploid, S phase cell percentage and Ki-67 can reflect the evolvement rule of the types of breast cancer; 2. Different types of breast cancer can reflect the level of proliferation of cancer cell, than clue to the possible prognosis and guide the clinic; 3. Clue to the possible to backspin and slow up the grow of cancer cells from the point of syndrome pattern of traditional Chinese medicine.

haploid phase

haploid phase


aspect: 着重以特定观点对事物进行观察或考虑。
side: 可与aspect和phase换用,但更着重构成事物全貌的一个或多个方面。
phase: 指可以对事物进行观察或描述或考虑的任何方面。
angle: 专指从某一角度去观察、考虑事物的某个方面。