grazing animal是什么意思 grazing animal在线中文翻译

grazing animal

grazing animal 双语例句

  1. In pastoral areas, livestock owners to take part in the rebellion of the animals, the former herdsmen grazing grazing, grazing to the income of all the herdsmen; of rebellion did not participate in the main livestock, animal husbandry, animal husbandry is still vested in the Lord, but to reduce the exploitation of livestock owners to increase the herdsmen income.
  2. Livestock resources: Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province is the main animal husbandry base, has a sub-alpine meadow pasture 4084 mu, the total area of the state total 70.28 percent, lawn area of 3848 mu of land can be used, accounting for 94.22% of the grassland area. Is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and natural grassland in Gansu Province in a higher carrying capacity, are highly resistant to grazing pasture, stocking rate theory of 6.21 million sheep units.
  3. It is predicted that after the operation of the new bases, the municipal animal husbandry would be geared up, leading more and more farmers to the affluent road by pasture growing and cattle grazing.
  4. With respect to specific site parameters, large fields/meadows will allow for livestock grazing provided strong perimeter fencing is available adequate height and strength to accommodate various animal types, esp.
  5. China will further extend superior strains of livestock to larger areas and increase the acreage sown with such strains; enhance the prevention and control of major animal epidemic diseases, establish and improve the monitoring and early-warning systems and enhance capability in this regard; protect and improve the grassland ecosystem through turning grazing area back to grassland, constructing meadow enclosures, artificial grasslands and grassland fire-prevention facilities; and launch activities for aquatic life conservation and protect aquatic life resources and the aquatic eco-environment.
  6. The petrograms were formed from the New Stone Age to the Western Xia period, recorded many activities of ancient human beings, such as grazing, hunting, feting, dancing and even wars. Along with the abundant records of ancient people`s daily lives, there are plenty animal figures, including the figures of sheep, cows, horses, humpbacks, tigers and panthers.
  7. Scientists have found the bones of a hoofed grazing animal about the size of a small horse
  8. Animal food for browsing or grazing.
  9. Grass or other vegetation eaten as food by grazing animals animal food for browsing or grazing. horses are herbivores; the sauropod dinosaurs were apparently herbivores.
  10. Choice of Plant Species and Grazing Management Based on Animal Ingestive Behaviour
  11. The quantity that animal grazing must be controlled less than 50 percent of pasture productive capacity.
  12. Reduce the consumption of grain-based livestock production, to adjust the livestock structure, to expand the meat of livestock and poultry farming and grazing of the milk-to-use, moderate development of commodity culture and large-scale breeding can improve the effective output of animal husbandry ecosystem.
  13. Experiments were conducted during 2000 and 2002 growth season to investigate plant growth and animal intake in Stipa breviflora desert steppe of Inner Mongolia. Plant compensatory growths were measured under rotational grazing and continuous grazing systems.
  14. In order to prevent the grassland from deterioration and raise its productivity, the author proposed to enhance the grassland management from the aspects of adjusting stocking rate, rotational grazing and establishing artificial grassland, which play a important role in the development of animal husbandry.
  15. Effect of Different Grazing Capacity for Vegetation and the Domestic Animal Production in Chinese Wildrye Grassland
  16. Under the A group grazing intensity, the stocking rate and pas-ture utilization was higher, but the yield of pasture and animal productivities were lower.
  17. Since entering the new century, the whole district of Inner Mongolia implemented withdrawing from grazing to restore the grassland project, which has achieved great progress in restoring grassland ecology, and transforming the mode of development on animal husbandry.
  18. Growing Grazing Grass-the Inevitable Trend for Animal Husbandry's Sustainable Development in Agriculture Area
  19. Horn F P%Hodson J%Mot J J%Brougham R W Grazing-land research at plant-animal interface USAD Office of International Cooperation and Development and USDA Agricultural Research Service Published by Winrock Internaional, 1987, null
    任继周%朱兴运中国河西走廊草地农业的基本格局和它的系统相悖——草原退化的机理初探 10.3321/j.issn:1004-5759.1995.01.002 草业学报,1995,(01)韩士杰%廖利平%姜凤歧关于森林界面生态学的思考应用生态学报,1998,(05)安树青生态学词典哈尔滨:东北林业大学出版社,1994,null
  20. Current Situation and Developing Tendency of Grazing Animal in Guangxi

grazing animal 单语例句

  1. The policy of banning livestock from grazing has brought back Ordos'lush grasslands, and also boosted animal husbandry development.
  2. The fluke needs to get into the gut of a grazing animal to complete its life cycle.

grazing animal

un. 食草动物
[网络] 放牧牲畜;放牧动物;草食动物
grazing animal


beast: 指有别于爬行动物、昆虫等的较大的四脚兽类或牛、马等牲畜。
brute: 特指野兽。用于人时,突出其野蛮或残忍。
creature: 通常指生物或动物,与非生动相对。指人时,则含怜悯或轻蔑的意味。
cattle: 指大牲畜,尤其指牛。
animal: 普通用词,指区别于植物和矿物而言的动物的总称。