graphic novel是什么意思 graphic novel在线中文翻译

graphic novel

graphic novel 双语例句

  1. Blade is the first transition of a comic/graphic novel into an action based series.
  2. The cinematic view of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 bc —the Greek effort to stave off the Persian invaders in a narrow chokepoint—is an impressionistic take on a graphic novel by Frank Miller, intended to entertain and shock first, and instruct second, using many of the conventions of the modern comic book.
    关于温泉关战役,即公元前480年希腊人尝试在一个狭窄的隘口延缓波斯人入侵的影片视角,是基于Frank Miller的连环漫画的印象风格呈现,它首先追求娱乐性和视觉冲击力,教育意义只是其次,并用上了不少现代漫画的传统表现手段。
  3. This is much more than a graphic novel: it is more like a silent film on paper.
  4. According to ComingSoon. net, Columbia Pictures has purchased the rights to the Preacher graphic novel series and have hired Sam Mendes to direct it.
  5. The film is based on a graphic novel by the creator of Kick-Ass, but of course no sort-of-awful-but-brilliant British film would be complete without Colin Firth in the starring role as senior spy.
  6. Wares innovative graphic novel deepens and enriches the form by breaking it apart.
  7. Graphic Model and Performance Analysis of a Novel Scalable Multiple-Plane and Multiple-Stage Packet Switching Fabric
  8. The new book is a combination of a textbook and a graphic novel. It tells the story of Tom, a mechanic who must quickly learn how to direct the motorcycle repair shop his father founded.
  9. I have many dream projects. I'd like to create a graphic novel, work as independant illustrator, start a3D model collection and work on an Artbook.
  10. The Eye of the World movie will be produced in part by Rick Selvage and Larry Mondragon of Red Eagle Entertainment, the company that published graphic novel versions of the books.
  11. Since his death in 2011, Apple mastermind Steve Jobs has been the subject of documentaries, books, a film and even a graphic novel.
  12. The first graphic novel, which features art from Batman: Arkham City artist Adam Archer, launches in March 2014.
  13. " Daomu " was a series of novels by author Kennedy Xu and you've adapted it into a Chinese-language graphic novel.
  14. Graphic novel about a young woman who copes with Iranian life by listening to punk.
  15. The original graphic novel details a world where history has been changed by the presence of costumed heroes who fight crime.
  16. " Daomu " was a series of novels by author Kennedy Xu and you've adapted it into a Chinese-language graphic novel.

graphic novel 单语例句

  1. The display includes Chinese artist Xu Bing's Book from the Ground, a novel written completely in graphic icons.
  2. Snyder's film is based on Frank Miller's highly successful graphic novel of the same name.

graphic novel [ˈɡræfik ˈnɔvəl]

n. 连环画小说;漫画小说
[网络] 图像小说;图画小说;绘图小说
graphic novel


story: 指篇幅较短,常包含一系列情节或事件,口述或书写成文的故事。
tale: 常可与story换用,指以事实为中心作叙述的故事,也指古代流传下来的传说故事或神话故事。
fiction: 指部分或全部虚构的短篇、中篇、长篇小说,也指传奇故事,是小说的总称。
fable: 指短小而寓有教育意义的虚构故事。故事的主人公多为拟人化的动物或非动物之类。也作传说解。
romance: 系novel早期的代用词,泛指具有强烈神话和传奇色彩的故事,现指爱情故事。
novel: 指任何有情节、人物、对白,虚构的长篇散文体故事。

new: 普通用词,与old相对,指最近的或创新的。
fresh: 指新鲜的、新做的,侧重创新。
original: 强调独创性。
innovative: 强调富有创新和革新精神。
novel: 侧重新事物的新奇和独特。