go soft是什么意思 go soft在线中文翻译

go soft

go soft 双语例句

  1. When we meet obstruct, we take soft attitude and detouring this obstruct, it will force us to go more steps, but it is not a big deal anyway.
  2. Guess that's all for now, thanks for reading LOLP/S: Hmmm... just one thing, I must keep in mind to bring my camera along no matter where I go, or else I am going to miss all the memorable moments again, time just does not wait for anyone anyway XD It is always better to keep a soft copy instead of trying to capture and keep all the images into our mind, as photos are eternal while memories are not
    就到此打住了,谢谢你那么有耐心读完这一篇稿子咯,呵呵号外:有一点要注意的是,我真的要千万记得随身携带我的相机了耶,不然又只好再次眼睁睁地看着那么多值得留念的事与物白白消失了,时间是决不等人的 XD 不管怎么说相片总是比记忆力较为持久的,所以说还是多照些来好好保存吧,人脑是储存不了那么多的啦
  3. I go back to sleep in her soft warm embrace, clutched by her like a teddy bear.
  4. Ningxiang of amomum cake, with its soft, sweet crisp sand, hunan and let go of cakes (including the wick cakes, hemp flavouring, baking cakes), one of the renowned in the province.
  5. The primary benefit of ABS on such surfaces is to increase the ability of the driver to maintain control of the car rather than go into a skid — though loss of control remains more likely on soft surfaces like gravel or slippery surfaces like snow or ice.
  6. Bagwell, I'm telling you right now, if I make my play and you go soft
    Bagwell 我现在跟你说如果我发话时,你再表现得像个软蛋
  7. A male duet group had been singing the advertisement jingles for a certain local soft drink company for several summers and when the soft drink company decided to go for a female vocal this year, Winnie's been selected.
  8. That night became a matter of course, the doll in Anping said in the 1960s many of the spectators, soft like a sharp knife punctured his patience has long desire wife go after a very long time. Anping no longer smell than women of taste, this is true of women, soliciting aromas.
  9. The man watched him go, limping grotesquely and lurching forward with stammering gait up the slow slope toward the soft sky-line of the low-lying hill.
  10. I'll go buy some soft drinks.
  11. Rhythm: Original creative music rhythm: spirit meridian massage chair creative patent technology put music into the massage course, heated symphony lead the strong beat, and soft music go with tender caress massage, relax the tightness and freezing of muscle, release you completely.
  12. His voice could be so soft and happy-go-lucky, it went through her veins like an exilaration.
  13. The other parts of the body beneath the skin as something other than bones, even if there is subcutaneous bleeding, do not go outside the drum skin, packets, but rather to the formation of subcutaneous soft tissue inside the mass.
  14. I hope that self can feel happy has been to every day, only will be frequently remember those hurt, feel self should have visited the mentality doctor sometimes, but think about afterwards that has been in fact not yet necessary, has had six days to be my birthday again, not having known being able to there is number people keeping in memory, I have hoped that everybody does not all keep in memory, in the previously the heart has been always very soft because of I think that self changeable coldblood burns, therefore being wounded always I, I want changeable strengthening, Go ahead is be obliged to from now on coldblooded..
  15. Finally I have the sea in my eyes that day, when I heard the waves is far from sound, could not wait to go, and finally the blue of the sea into my eyes, the soft sand by my feet walking on soft The sea breeze gently blowing on my long hair, the sound waves hit the rocks filled my ears.
  16. I have just one year old baby, but waddled stations, and his children the same large holding his hand as long as, baby you can go, but I would not do this baby, only a few points seconds will fall, feet are soft, but very strong legs, he used to eat to overturn the table and walking foot a little biased, the Lao Gao Ting stomach will not like to walk, rather tall, 21 kg, and some say that the reasons for fat kids, I would like to ask about how my child is, is not it a problem?
  17. Skip the white button-down and go with something in a soft pastel, like this one.
  18. If you'd like to go sock-less, be sure you only do it when you're wearing casual shoes, like sandals or soft loafers, and when the occasion is equally casual.
  19. Of 26 weeks when I always feel hungry彭鼓hard not soft like a less to worry about their own, the stomach has also been pressure but it can feel like uncomfortable movements and I say it was no problem normal, but go to the hospital doctors suspected pseudo-contraction do B-inspection efforts, said two weeks around the umbilical cord open a little observation of drugs so that if I came back after a week of hard fat belly will have to go to hospital treatment, there are so it is a serious worry that I do not know how to do death, that is, hard stomach彭鼓feeling of fetal movement but fetal heart rate also did not see the normal red to what you experienced to help me see you do not have any problem?
  20. Kelly: We can go to the library and look for a soft-shoe in the phonebook.

go soft 单语例句

  1. When medical specialists are deciding whether to treat a man with hormones, they prefer to go by hard facts rather than the soft symptoms named earlier.
  2. The official also warned that the government would not go soft on IPR infringement, with a surge in IPR cases expected under the new regulations.
  3. Reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes or until apple wedges go soft.
  4. Train routes also go to Wenling, taking 14 hours and costs 300 yuan for a soft sleeper.
  5. They constitute a stern warning to pirates that the government will not go soft on IPR infringement.

go soft

na. 软化;变狂乱
[网络] 变软;变痴愚
go soft


gentle: 指温柔、亲切、优雅。常含有节制和意味。
moderate: 中性词,指温和稳健,有节制,不走极端。
tender: 和gentle意思很接近。指人的感情细腻、温情慈爱和有同情心,侧重心理素质。也可指物的柔嫩等。
mild: 用于人时,指天性温顺,脾气好,不放肆粗野;用于物时,主要指适度,程度上相当缓和给人以愉快感觉。
soft: 侧重柔软或安稳、光滑,使人不感到粗糙或严酷。