go on the boards是什么意思 go on the boards在线中文翻译

go on the boards

go on the boards 双语例句

  1. How Do the Restock Times Work? Can you explain the Kadoatery Boards? The feeding times for the Kadoatery is organized. It restocks every 30-45 minutes. When you first log on in the morning/evening/night, go on the boards into Games section and look for the Kadoatery boards.
  2. The new play will go on the boards next month.
  3. Fall on board of run on board of go by the board go on board go on the boards on board on even board with on the drawing board sandwich board swear through a two-inch board sweep the board the board of green cloth Trade Board tread the boards walk the boards board and board board in board out board up n.
  4. We are going to go from angel drill into slow motion butterfly stroke on the kick boards.
  5. Skateboarders often jump high into the air, go down steps or slide down rails on their boards.
  6. You can also go public, contacting any relevant licensing boards, writing bad reviews on the Web or, say, reaching out to a reporter.

go on the boards

go on the boards