go into commission是什么意思 go into commission在线中文翻译

go into commission

go into commission 双语例句

  1. Then into the When the company did not ask questions, they go in, and signed a one-year contract, the wage is 900 yuan/month, paid three gold, net of pension, medical insurance and so on, probably to be 780 yuan, then said he was in self-export, Take profit 40% commission, but now every day to do some document, how do I can do export business?
  2. Express in particular the creation of coal a few years, he fine-strict management, safety, set a good example so exemplary, selfless Lee, insisted the whole like mine, led by cadres and workers will not be day and night fighting in the first line in the bottom every day to go down uninterrupted day walk to endure hardship in the former, there is no work, but Sundays always mine minor illnesses are not off-the-job, racked their brains and development, carefully work to stem from the success of entrepreneurship can think of his pay, from the into debt can be seen a reflection of his contribution, his outstanding contribution to clear, can be described as contemporary strongman was in 2007 in Shanxi Province Federation of Industry and Commerce excellent access to the private entrepreneurs, was awarded China Federation of Industry and outstanding private entrepreneurs; by Jin Young Entrepreneurs Association in the city, small and medium-sized Jinzhong City Council, Jinzhong City Economic and Trade Commission, the Communist Youth League Jinzhong Jinzhong City Municipal awarded the fourth top ten outstanding young entrepreneurs; in 2008 the Federation was granted to enterprises in Shanxi Province, Shanxi Province Gongxun entrepreneurs and professional managers to obtain qualification certificates, is Heshun.

go into commission

go into commission


committee: 既用作普通名词,也用作集体名词,指通过选举或其它方式而成立的一般委员会。
commission: 指为了某项任务专门成立的委员会。