glass building block是什么意思 glass building block在线中文翻译

glass building block

glass building block 双语例句

  1. With excellent equipment, perfect administrative system, faithful service attitude and powerful cooperation with the companies across the companies across the industries of coke chemical, crockery and porcelain, building materials, chemical, metallurgy, glass, environment protection, carbon block, and refractory materials, HKSCL will cooperate tightly and develop together with our customers.
  2. Iron and steel industry: expansion joints, the lining insulation, thermal insulation and mold insulation film; non-ferrous metals industry: between packet and streaming trough cover for pouring copper and copper alloys; Ceramic Industry: Structure and light trucks kiln kiln Noodles lining of the hot body, the furnace and the temperature zones separated by fire-screen material; glass industry: molten pool were lining insulation, burner block; kiln building: hot noodle refractories, heavy refractory by contrast, expansion joints; Light Industry: Industrial and domestic boiler combustion chamber liner; petrochemical industry: a high-temperature furnace lining hot face material.
  3. As one kind of new-type building adornment and bearing material, characteristics and history of glass block are introduced.
  4. Similarly, while it is easy to start the day with a glass of orange juice, a handful of papaya contains 15 times more beta - cryptoxanthin - another vitamin A building block.
  5. Is specialized in the production of glass block factories, production, sales, design, Construction of the new building materials and technology integration services for enterprises.

glass building block

glass building block


hamper: 侧重因受到约束或阻碍而造成的行动困难。
hinder: 语气较轻,多指阻碍、拖延人或事,强调使进展速度缓慢下来。
block: 语气强烈,指有效堵住了通道,使人或物无法通过。
prevent: 含义广泛,指采取预防措施或设置障碍去阻止某人或某事。
bar: 含义与block很接近,指阻塞通道或禁止出入,但有对暗示不用障碍物的阻止或禁止。
obstruct: 正式用词,语气强,多指以干扰或设置障碍的方式阻碍交通,使不能自由畅通。

mug: 通常指周边垂直,不用茶托的有柄大瓷杯或大金属杯。
cup: 指有柄,用来饮茶或咖啡等的瓷杯。
glass: 指玻璃制的杯子,用来盛酒和牛奶等东西。

structure: 侧重建筑物的构造形式。
building: 普通用词,指任何建筑物,但不涉及建筑物的大小、风格以及所用材料。

home: 指永久住家时,带有家庭所特有的温暖、情感等气息。
building: 泛指一切建筑物,不限于居住的房子。
residence: 指大而堂皇的寓所或公馆,也指法律上的居住点。
shelter: 可指长期或临时的住处,也指简陋或临时搭建的躲避风雨的场所。
dwelling: 正式用词,仅指人们居住的任何建筑物。
habitation: 指长久或固定的住所或居住地。
house: 中性词,泛指一切供居住的建筑物,尤指适合一家一户居住的房屋。