get inspiration from是什么意思 get inspiration from在线中文翻译

get inspiration from

get inspiration from 双语例句

  1. I think the best inspiration booster is to step back from the computer and get out and have some fun or do something you enjoy.
  2. My study is on theories and works of postmodern abstract expressionists such as Dubuffet, COBRA, Jackson Pollock, willem de Kooning, Franz Kline, Antoni Tapies of Spain, and I state the inspiration I get from them and the new ideas I have in this thesis.
    本研究探究后现代几位艺术家的理论与创作,即如:尚杜布菲、眼镜蛇艺术群:、及帕洛克、德库宁等抽象表现主义画家、西班牙的Antoni Tapies 等人,所带给研究者的启发与学习。
  3. Comparing these two kinds of examination from different angles, we will get deep inspiration and alarm from the history of Keju, which will play a reference role to self-study examination.
  4. When I choose clothes, I usually get the inspiration from instore display.
  5. B: I get my inspiration when I am walking around the cities. Everything I met from the daily lives are all in the past tense, however, they will becoming present continuous tense in my works.
  6. We got the idea from the independent trade union movement in South Korea, from whom we get much of our inspiration.
  7. If liberalism and democracy have formed an intergal part of our culture, what inspiration can we get from Gray's new idea about liberalism?
  8. The toy indurstry will get more creative inspiration and massive effect form media, while the media will be benefited from an expanding imaginational world of toys.
  9. I get the inspiration from the divinities and glorify the sun for ever.
  10. This analysis can help the readers to understand the psychological pattern of the ancient people and to get realistic inspiration and instruction from it.
  11. This article will talk about recursive invocation through program design, which determines the maximum and minimum value of two numbers and more numbers, thus combining doles two different knowledge points lets get some inspiration from logical thinking of program design.
  12. So as to get inspiration from it for establishing " Mental health law " in the future.
  13. Both Japanese Haiku and western Imagism draw the inspiration and get enlightenments from the image creation of classical Chinese poetry. All of them lay a good foundation of the image reproduction in classical Chinese poetry translation.
  14. In recent years the academic circles have ever launched a warm discussion on the problem of creation and creative thinking, putting forward the consensus of a catholicity: The creative thinking cannot get away from the inspiration.
  15. Moreover, taking the great changes in the structure of costumes in modern China as emphasis to analyze and study the design methods used by modern fashion designers who learned from western costumes, also the Chinoiserie fashion clothes design could get inspiration from it.
  16. The European Civil Code may get the inspiration from the legal history of France, German and England.
  17. Polo: We can get inspiration to memorize English words from biological field.
  18. Joe: It is so. Its just that the street I get my inspiration from is skid row.
  19. Joe: It is so. It's just that the street I get my inspiration from is skid row.
  20. We analyze the reasons for the development of environmental accounting in Korean companies, introduce its main methods and get inspiration from the development of environmental accounting at last.

get inspiration from 单语例句

  1. " We get a lot of inspiration from Ikea, " Yu revealed.
  2. As a foreign adviser to the Beijing mayor, what kind of inspiration did you get from meeting him regarding business strategy?

get inspiration from

get inspiration from


attain: 为正式用词,多用于庄重场合,主要指通过努力达到重要目的或得到珍贵的东西。如:The scientist attained great fame by a new discovery.(那科学家由于一次新发现而出了名。)
acquire: 指通过本身的努力逐渐获得知识、能力和荣誉等。如:acquire knowledge(获得知识)。
obtain: 多指凭努力或恳求得到急需或很想得到的东西。如:Howard had failed to obtain a scholarship.(霍华德没能得到奖学金。)
get: 用得最广,可指以各种方式获得各种东西。如:Where can I get enough information?(我从哪儿能得到足够的资料?)
achieve: 多指克服困难后取得胜利,成功,强调“得到”这一结果。如:He achieved his ambition in the end.(他最终实现了他的抱负。)
gain: 多指付出极大努力后获得或赢得给自己带来优势的东西。如:They gained the victory after a bloody battle.(浴血奋战后他们赢得了胜利。)

acquire: 强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。
obtain: 较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。
get: 普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。
secure: 强调要通过努力或竞争,或需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东西。
win: 主要指通过努力、斗争、比赛等而获得胜利。
earn: 侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出代价与有功而获得。
gain: 侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。

arrive: 不及物动词,后接in (大地点),at(小地点), arrive in Beijing,
reach: 及物动词 reach Beijing
get: 不及物动词后接to, get to Beijing,

turn: 侧重指变得与原来截然不同,有时含贬义。
get: 常指某人或某物有意无意地获得引起变化的因素,结果使变成另一状态。
grow: 常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程。
become: 最普通用词,作为连系动词,指从一个状态向另一个状态的变化。
come: 侧重变化的经过或过程,多用于不良情况。
go: 作为连系动词,通常与形容词连用,指进入某种状态,从而发生变化,多指不好的状态。

convey: 指通过中间人传递信息,或以某种方式把人或物送到目的地。
fetch: 指一往一返,相当于go and bring,去取了东西或带人再返回到出发处。
get: 口语用词,与fetch基本同义,语气随便。
transport: 指使用车辆或机械设备把人或货物从一处运载到另一处。
take: 指从说话人或说话人心目中所在处把某人或某物带离开,带到离说话者有一定距离的地方,与bring的方向正相反,侧重方向,不着重方式。
bring: 指从某处把人或物带到或拿到说话者所在的地点,强调方向,不着重方式。
carry: 指把物品从一个地方带到另一个地方,不涉及方向,只强调方式。

cause: 正式用词,侧重指使某事发生的原因。
get: 侧重指劝某人做某事,或指使某事物处于某种状态或产生某种结果。
have: 普通用词,指让某人做某事。
make: 普通用词,指强迫或劝诱他人做某事。
render: 书面用词,多指因外界因素而使某人或某物处于某种状态。

flee: 书面用词,侧重指逃跑时动作匆忙,多含惧怕之意。
fly: 含义与flee相同,但系非正式用词。
get away: 口语用语。侧重指犯罪分子从现场逃跑或被捕时逃走。
run away: 口语用语,强调动作迅速。
escape: 侧重逃跑的结果,不强调逃跑时的匆忙或危险情况。