gascon是什么意思 gascon在线中文翻译

Gascon 英 [ˈɡæskən] 美 [ˈɡæskən]

Gascon 词典解释


Gascon 网络解释

  1. 加斯科涅人
    ...他的护士是农民,而他一生都保留了一点加斯科涅人(Gascon)的口音,法国人说,他的风度也有点像加斯科涅人. 他的早期教育是由神职人员完成的,但在二十岁时他显示了他头脑的倾向,写了一篇文章来证明异教徒并不值得被永恒地谴责....
  2. 加斯可尼=加斯科涅=加斯科尼
    ...gascogne加斯可尼=加斯科尼= | gascon加斯可尼=加斯科涅=加斯科尼 | gaville加维尔=加维勒=加维尔...
  3. 解除腸胃道氣體
    ...5 Duspatalin (止瀉劑) 解除腸胃道痙攣. | 6 Gascon 解除腸胃道氣體. | 7 Gelusil (制酸劑) 中和胃酸、保護潰瘍....

Gascon 双语例句

  1. You are young. You ought to be brave for two reasons: the first is that you are a Gascon, and the second is that you are my son.
  2. Paris combines in an unprecedented type, which has existed and which we have elbowed, Grecian nudity, the Hebraic ulcer, and the Gascon pun.
  3. Under pretext of escaping the unhealthy heat of Rome, they withdrew in May to Anagni, and in July to Fondi, under the protection of Queen Joanna of Naples and two hundred Gascon lances of Bernardon de la Salle.
    根据借口逃避不健康热的罗马,他们撤回了在5月至anagni ,并在7月至fondi保护下的皇后乔安娜的那不勒斯和200 gascon长矛的bernardon喇沙。
  4. Vigilantius, the Gascon priest against whom Jerome wrote a treatise, quarrelled with ecclesiastical usages rather than matters of doctrine.
    Vigilantius ,牧师的加斯科涅语的人杰罗姆写了论文,争吵与教会的惯例,而不是问题的理论。

Gascon ['gæskәn]

n. 加斯科涅人, 吹牛者
a. Of or pertaining to Gascony, in France, or to the Gascons;
also, braggart; swaggering.
n. A native of Gascony; a boaster; a bully. See Gasconade.