garbage disposal plant是什么意思 garbage disposal plant在线中文翻译

garbage disposal plant

garbage disposal plant 双语例句

  1. With the completion of garbage disposal plant that has capacity of disposing 650 tons rubbish daily, the disposal ratio of garbage reach 90%.
  2. The company put into operation in December 2003 trial run of China's first demonstration of a garbage disposal plant project investment 180 million yuan, covers an area of more than 200 acres, the project has been identified as a key construction project of the province, key national demonstration project.
  3. Landfill leachate was treated by a technological processes of ammonia nitrogen stripping-coagulation and sedimentation-MBR-ozonation-AC adsorption in Bazhou City Garbage Landfill Disposal Plant.
  4. Analysis is made on the character of filtrate for burial ground for city garbage and a systematic introduction is given to the scheme for disposal, filtrate circulation and filtrate's entry to the plant.
  5. But the disposal ability of Jintang garbage disposal plant is only about 100 tons, which far from the city's need.
  6. Geological Environment Points and Adaptability Evaluation on Garbage Disposal Plant in Lijiang
  7. The current situation and problems of garbage treatment in the non-hazardous disposal plant of Hohhot
  8. In this paper, some methods of garbage disposal at home and abroad are discussed, and the effect of geologic setting on civic garbage pollution as well as the requirement of garbage disposal plant are set forth.
  9. Deal with day 500 tons of garbage power generation plant in the South China Sea environmental protection and disposal of medical waste treatment day 25 tons of medical waste incineration Foshan harmless treatment center being considered by my company's building.

garbage disposal plant 单语例句

  1. The equipment had been confiscated by the Food and Drug Administration of Pingnan County, which were later transported to a garbage disposal plant.
  2. The local government opened bids for acquiring impermeable membrane used in a garbage disposal plant.

garbage disposal plant

garbage disposal plant


waste: 普通用词,概念广泛,指任何被丢弃的东西。
debris: 着重指分解、分裂或破坏后剩下的碎片,也指零散的普通废品。
rubbish: 普通用词,指任何成堆的、破损的、用过的或无用的东西,尤指弃掉的垃圾堆。也可作引申用。
litter: 是四下乱丢物品的总称,尤指散落于地,有碍观瞻的废物。
garbage: 主要指有机废料,包括厨房的剩菜剩饭或不能再用的食物。也可作引申用。
junk: 指回收的旧汽车或大型机器,也指毫无实用价值,或破烂物体,但不指垃圾。

plant: 多指电力或机械制造方面的工厂。
mill: 原义指粮食加工厂。现多指轻工业类的工厂。
factory: 最普通用词,可泛指任何制造产品的地方。
works: 多指钢铁等重工业方面的工厂,也指一些特定的厂。

plant: 移植,移栽已经长成秧苗的植物 plant the trees
grow: 使某种植物在某地生长着或使其发展下去, trees are growing