fungus root是什么意思 fungus root在线中文翻译

fungus root

fungus root 双语例句

  1. In fact, many of the plants used in Chinese cooking, such as scallions, fresh ginger root, garlic, dried lily buds, tree fungus, etc.
  2. The project chooses pollutant which seriously effect on the human health enclude heavy metal, pestitide residua, veterinary and fish drug residua according to the GEMS/FOOD survey plan request, food consumption in Shanghai resident and epidemiology character of disease root in food, the food pollunt survey points was choosed from the wholesale market, agricultural market fair, supermarket and food distribute center which has a big dealing and good representativeness, and the samples of grain legumes、vegetables, fruit, meat of poultry and domestic animals, aquatic product, milk and dairy products, eggs, edible fungus and tea so on 9 big kinds foods are picked as samples to be examined in contract lab. All pollunts results are compare with the criterion of GB or CAC as well as mean level in china in order to know the food pollunts level in Shanghai. Meanwhile, the risk analysis is carried through so as to bring forward the scientific, logical, practice supervision measure to goverment. The project obtain a great deal of survey data of 3812 foodstuff, 86 item, and 77882 inforunit.
  3. This paper described the infection process of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita in transformed Ri T-DNA carrot roots under axenic condition Agrobacterium rhizogenes was used to introduce Ri T-DNA into the root cells of carrot and then the adventitious roots of carrot were used as host Four routine methods of surface sterilization were compared and one was selected for obtaining maximum amount of pure mycorrhizal fungal spores After two months of dual culture, the infection of transformed Ri T-DNA carrot roots by VA mycorrhizal fungus was observed and mature spores were obtained Under suitable conditions, the harvested spores were capable of germinating and subsequently infecting the host roots immediately
    在无菌条件下观察珠状巨孢囊霉对转移RiT-DNA胡萝卜根器官的侵染过程。采用发根土壤杆菌诱导出细胞中整合有RiT-DNA胡萝卜的不定根作宿主,比较了孢子的4种表面消毒方法,经过2~3个月的双重培养,看到VA菌根真菌对根器官的侵染,并获得成熟孢子。形成的孢子无须休眠,只要提供发芽条件,就能立即发芽,接种到根的周围又能侵染。文中对侵染的全过程作了较详细的描述,并对此项技术在菌根研究中的意义进行了讨论关键词 VA菌根,转移Ri T-DNA胡萝卜根,双重培养
  4. This paper focused on how to get dietary fiber additive from lotus root by-product by a medicinal fungus. The different degradation of lotus root by 56 fungi in liquid and solid culture medium.
  5. Such as soft-shelled turtle, black fungus, lotus root, sesame seeds and other items are beneficial food.
  6. There was big difference among the 22 different materials in the disease resistance. Translocation lines Pm97033 showed the highest resistance in reaction than others. The percentage of diseased root and severed level were 11.3% and 5.4%; substitution lines Wan7107 showed medium resistance to the fungus, the percentage of diseased root and severity level were 21.4% and 10.6%; F5 generation of common wheat with Till showed higher resistance to take-all fungus than the PS progenies of common wheat with Aegilops tauschii or the other common wheat varieties.
  7. This study investigated the effects of temperature, light carbon source and moisture on the growth, sporulation and conidial germination of Medicago sativa dry root rot fungus.
  8. Mixture of lotus root, asparagus, capsicum, sugar snap peas and black fungus
  9. However, as anyone who has wrestled with a persistent case of athlete's foot knows, it's not easy to root out a fungus once it's taken hold.
  10. Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Pathogenic Fungus Thielaviopsis Basicola of Tobacco Black Root Rot
  11. A Preliminary Study on Reduced Resistibility of Tobacco Plants to Black Shank Fungus Caused by Root Knot Nematodes
  12. Ratio of height and diameter, crown and root, of root cutting seedling were strong with more fibrous root, and higher rate of fungus root infection than untreated normal field seedlings.
  13. In fad, many of the plants used in Chinese cooking such as scallions, fresh ginger root, garlic, dried lily, and tree fungus have properties of preventing and alleviating various illnesses.
  14. Selection on Optimal Concentration of Pathotoxin Produced by Root Rot Fungus in Isatis indigotica Fort. and Its Effect on Soluble Protein in Isatis indigotica Fort. Seedlings
  15. This study investigated the effects of temperature, light carbon source and moisture on the growth, sporulation and conidial germination of Medicago sativa dry root rot fungus (Fusarium solani).
  16. The mycorrhiza is a symbiont with fungus and root.
  17. The soil environment of planting soybean in the soils of the replication stubble and succession cropping stubble were unfavourable soybean's growing, because the pathogenic fungus and the other non-pathogenic fungus of the soybean root medium were a large numbers. And the soybean root rot occurred severely.
  18. The dormant spores of the fungus had the highest germination percentage (75%) in the root exudate of the susceptible host.
  19. They then proved that the bacteria produce rhizoxin, which breaks down the rice roots and allows the fungus to digest the dead root.
  20. Study on Antagonistic Fungus for Root Rot of Larix kaempferi

fungus root 单语例句

  1. All the ingredients I have chosen like fungus and lotus root are healthy foods that suit this season.
  2. Soak the snow fungus in plenty of water and trim off the dark root end.

fungus root

fungus root


source: 本义指某地系河流或瀑布的源头,引申指某事的来源出处,但更多指抽象事物的根源或来源。
root: 通常指事物产生的原因或根源。
origin: 侧重指事物的起源或由来,也指人的出身。