front open type是什么意思 front open type在线中文翻译

front open type

front open type 双语例句

  1. Repair Pin Type platform installed in the background sometimes directly, washbasin repair margin may add table; Crowd is in a solid material used, installed in front of leaving; - Also known as wall-hanging, which sometimes in the decoration, built in a dwarf wall, plumbing kits into wall; Lizhushi more attractive visual focus, leaving the space open, easy to clean.
  2. A new process for the front treatment of open width about thin cloth of cotton is put forward, which use for desizing and scouring and bleaching by conveyer type scouring and bleaching machine.
  3. But deciding on a style took us some thinking. Since we can't see her and not sure about her exact size, we decided to only consider open-front type of vests, shrugs, or boleros.
  4. Front spring eye bushing FEM for a type drilling-perforating casing with screw holding in open hole completion
  5. The main sedimentary facies types include shoal facies of platform margin, organic reef facies of platform margin, platform evaporate facies, open-platform facies, restricted platform facies and carbonate platform ramp facies, and the front three types of facies are the uppermost facies belt. The main sedimentary microfacies types include subordinate organisms dolomite microfacies, sparry grain(biogenic debris, sand cutting, alga chippings and so on) dolomite microfacies, detention gravel debris dolomite microfacies, boundstone microfacies, non-lamina dolomite mudstone microfacies, lamina dolomite mudstone microfacies, lamina lime mudstone microfacies, sparry grainstone microfacies and testaceous chippings limestone microfacies, and the front three types of microfacies are the uppermost microfacies type.
  6. However, the oil seal type plug has its weaknesses, first, not with the same diameter pipeline, pipeline flow area is about 75%, an increase of flow resistance and eddy current, it can not Pig; second, open and close valves aquifers in front of oil, the inconvenience to users; Third, nominal diameter less usually DN300, DN400 to create difficult, DN600 more heavy users are not welcome; 2, RZ series gas with parallel Gate Valve With the development of gas and gas plant's have established a larger and even large nominal diameter of the gas special valve, RZ Series Gas Gate Valve with parallel formation of artificial gas for 11 to solve the problem, maximum diameter up to 1600mm.
    但是,油密封式旋塞阀也有其弱点,第一、不与管线同通径,是管线流通面积的75%左右,增加了流阻和涡流,也无法通过清管器;第二、启闭阀门前需加注油脂,给使用者带来不便;第三、公称通径一般为DN300以下,DN400以制造难度较大,DN600以上太重用户不欢迎; 2、RZ系列燃气用平行双闸板闸阀随着燃气事业的发展和煤气厂的纷纷建立,蝶阀需要较大甚至特大公称通径的燃气专用阀门,RZ系列燃气用平行双闸板闸阀针对人工煤气形成的问题给予一一解决,最大通径达1600mm。
  7. Open and close valve is equipped for front-end memory type alloy detector and upper shifting fork.

front open type

front open type


in front of: 指在某地方之外的前面,即不在其中,多与静态动词连用,通常可与before通用。
in the front of: 指在某地方之内的前面,即在其中的前部分。
before: 指空间位置或时间的“在……前”。表时间时,反义词为after;指空间位置时,其反义词是behind。

category: 书面用词,特指有确切定义的群体。
sort: 普通用词,文体较kind随便,指对人或对事物进行的大概分类,有时含贬义。
species: 书面用词,单复数同形。指生物分类上的种。
classification: 指根据已经确定的类型对某一实物作鉴别和归类。
class: 正式用词,指门类、种类或优劣等级;用于指动植物的分类时,表示“纲”。
type: 指客观界限比较清楚,有相同本质特点的同类事物,或指大致相似的同类事物。
variety: 强调有各自的特点,形式不同,品质不同的种类。
kind: 指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西。

open: 指未被占有,从而可被别人得到的。
blank: 指上面没有写字、印刷或做记号的空白表面,或指上面留着准备被填写的空白处。
vacant: 普通用词,侧重某物或某个位置没有被占用。
hollow: 指物体中间是空的。
empty: 指空无一人或一物,或空洞无意义的。

open: 指不隐瞒自己的秘密,愿意向他人表露自己或公开暴露自己的缺点。
frank: 强调毫无保留地畅所欲言,不受任何约束。
sincere: 侧重指一个人出自内心地对某人某事表示一种诚意。
blunt: 指讲话坦白直率、不客气,但隐含不得体、不顾及他人感情等意味。
honest: 指遵守正直等道德准则。
plain: 指直言不讳,毫不做作或故弄玄虚。
straightforward: 多用于答复、叙述等场合。指直截了当,不回避,或故弄玄虚。

open: 普通用词,指把原来关起来或盖紧的东西打开。
unfold: 主要指把原来包好、卷好或叠好的东西再打开。