frieda是什么意思 frieda在线中文翻译


Frieda 网络解释

  1. 弗里达
    ...但也有一些人留在学派中,对精神分析理论和疗法作出了重要的、有独创性的贡献,如:S.拉多(Rado),F.亚历山大(Alexander),弗里达(Frieda),弗洛伊-赖希曼(Fromm-Reichman),巴林特(Balints)兄弟,R.斯皮茨 ,E.埃利克森等许多其他人....
  2. 弗莉妲 日耳曼语 和平
    ...Frances 弗兰西丝 日耳曼语 自由自在的 | Frieda 弗莉妲 日耳曼语 和平 | Gabrielle 嘉比里拉 希伯来 上帝就是力量....
  3. 斯堪迪纳维亚语 和平,快乐
    ...23.Freya 斯堪迪纳维亚语 高贵的女子 | 24.Frieda 斯堪迪纳维亚语 和平,快乐 | 25.Fronde 拉丁语 枝叶茂盛...
  4. 弗里达,含义:宁静
    ...Frederica弗雷德里卡,含义:和平的统治者 | Frieda弗里达,含义:宁静 | Gaby盖比,含义:上帝的人...

Frieda 双语例句

  1. And I think you are very fortunate, Frieda, to get such a fine fellow as Jan.
  2. Lawrence had many affairs with women in his life, including a longstanding relationship with Jessie Chambers (on whom the character of Miriam is based), an engagement to Louie Burrows, and an eventual elopement to Germany with Frieda Weekley.
  3. I realise that there is very little that I can offer Frieda materially.
  4. He realized that there is very little that he can offer Frieda materially.
  5. He was lying out of the whole cloth about Frieda, but Angela didn't''.
  6. My dear Jane, my wife and I are both very happy at the thought that you and Frieda are going to be married.
  7. Frieda wants to save the kingdom and her true love.
  8. Hi frieda, it was a reallly nice surprise to get your email.
  9. Prelude, Allegro, and pastorale was written in 1941 and dedicated to Rebecca's brother Hans, a well known biochemist, and his wife Frieda.
    前奏、快板和田园曲》(Prelude,allegro,and pastorale)是在1941年创作的,题献给蕾贝卡的兄弟汉斯,一位著名的生物化学家--还有他的太太弗里达。
  10. The Rule was created by John Frieda, and it is a fool-proof guide for hair stylists to use so they can tailor the cut to make the length as flattering as possible to the face shape.
  11. Frieda grinned, pinching him on the butt.
  12. And I think you are very fortunate, frieda, to get such a fine fellow as Jan.
  13. In 1912 he eloped with Frieda von Richthofen.
  14. I have it on good authority that Frieda Maloney will be prosecuted.
  15. Frieda's engagement ring is a diamond set in gold.
  16. Frieda is quite confident that under her careful management we can have a comfortable little home.
  17. Frieda hardened her naturally soft heart against them.
  18. In1915in Stockholm, Frieda and Justus Bergman welcomed home their beautiful baby daughter.
  19. We're calling her frieda. it's the perfect name for a baby.
  20. He saw Frieda Maloney sometime last week.

Frieda 单语例句

  1. Dev Patel says he and girlfriend Frieda Pinto laugh when they hear rumours they are engaged.
  2. Frieda - who is dating Dev Patel - also credits her stunning figure to her consumption of vegetable juices with herbs and spices.
  3. The last rumours I heard was that me and Frieda were looking for a wedding cake in Los Angeles.

Frieda [ˈfri:də]

n. 弗里达(亦作Freda)(f.)