florey是什么意思 florey在线中文翻译

Florey 英 [ˈflɔ:ri] 美 [ˈflɔri, ˈflori]

Florey 双语例句

  1. Other major figures: Gerhard Domagk (who found that the red dye Prontosil cured strep infections, which led to the development of the sulfa drugs Alexander Fleming (who stumbled onto the inhibition of Staph bacteria by a mold, Penicillium Howard Florey and Ernst Chain (who purified penicillin for clinical use Rene Dubos (who found an antibiotic in an organism in the soil and Selman Waksman (who searched systematically among soil organisms for antibiotics and there discovered the second clinically important antibiotic, streptomycin).
    其他的重要人物:Gerhard Domagk(发现红色染料偶氮磺胺可以治愈链球菌属感染,发展成为磺胺类药物);Alexander Fleming(偶然发现霉菌,青霉菌,可以抑制葡萄球菌属细菌);Howard Florey 和 Ernst Chain(纯化了青霉素将其应用到临床);Rene Dubos(在土壤里一种生物体力发现了一种抗生素);还有Selman Waksman(系统研究土壤有机体和抗生素,发现了临床第二重要的抗生素,链霉素
  2. The Prime Minister of Australia, said that " in terms of world well-being, Florey was the most important man ever born in Australia ".

Florey ['flɔ:ri]

弗洛里 (①姓氏 ②Sir Howard Walter, 1898-1968, 生于澳大利亚的英国病理学家, 曾获1945年诺贝尔生理学-医学奖)
n. British pathologist who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming (1898-1968)