floor plan是什么意思 floor plan在线中文翻译

floor plan

floor plan 双语例句

  1. In public places around the environment within 30 meters of floor plans (to indicate whether there are sources of pollution), the layout plan marked position, function, auxiliary buildings of the name, size, a variety of equipment, installation of sanitary facilities or storage location.
  2. This is an interesting floor plan.
  3. And that's why last week Ed and Karen Mills, my Small Business Administration chief, traveled to Indiana to announce a new plan to provide loans to auto, RV, and boat dealers to help finance floor plans.
  4. External to the main area of commercial housing pre-sale estimates, various types of real estate area of the initial registration of property rights is the right measurement, real estate area of change, re-testing, and real estate floor plan and cadastral mapping, house demolition, assessment of the Survey and Mapping, and other services, has now completed more than 200 Housing units on 10 million square meters of Surveying and Mapping.
  5. In 2005, Zhang Xi, boyfriend of my student Weng Luyan, told me that the second floor of a store in Xi Dan Shopping street was free now, and wanted to do some art issue. He suggested me to talk with the store manager and prepare a curatorial plan. I made a plan titled Human Desire and I and negotiated with the store for several days. Finally we had to give upbecause the store not only didn`t invest money but also asked for works. Afterwards I have been refining the plan while creating artworks.
  6. Second, once the choice of the Company's broken joint screening equipment will be designed specifically for your process, including the total cloth floor plan, a full set of equipment based on construction plans, electrical control design, engineering technical description, equipment Operation norms of technical documents, in Equipment installation and commissioning process, I will be sent by the Secretary for engineering and technical personnel full-spot guidance, and assistance in training facilities management and operations staff.
  7. Design elements include: First, a door frame, in the architectural design of network layout, and the mapping of a building floor plan and elevation.
  8. The next step is to define the final exits outside a building. Several exits can be inserted into the floor plan windows. The exits are represented by an exit marker looking like a capital I.
  9. In MRP II system, the plan is the basis planned in lower floor at the middle and upper levels, the lower floor can't deviate from the goal that the upper strata plan to plan, Thus the whole enterprise comply with a unified plan.
  10. It analyzed the geological environment, the roof and floor of the coal bed firstly, then made a plan for strata control observation, did an actual measure and analysis of the fully mechanized support working resistance, the single hydraulic prop yield load and the roadway wall rock distortion, resulted the law of the ground behaviour.
  11. The organization committee will send confirmed floor-plan of the booth 7 days after the booth fee is received.
  12. The drawing can be enlarged or reduced by using the zoom keys F5 and F6, which will zoom in and out. A distance scale is visible around the floor plan showing the distance in metres.
  13. Must see to appreciate the floor plan and layout.
  14. The plan of the ground floor is completely symmetric al.
  15. Using construction general plan drawing, be aimed at the mistakes easy to make by the students in practical teaching, combine with an example, give minute description about how to calculate the fulcrum negative steel of the multiple floor frame beam.
  16. According to the operator area, usually to see the plan is to use the subject area or gross floor area
  17. Binzhou Haode Luster trade square covers an area of 1200 units and the plan floor space is approximately 20 thousand square meters, mainly building large-scale supermarket facilities for commodity wholesale and retail.
    两个地址 9656,9658 分离的煤气表,电表,良好的平面图。
  19. At each floor plan, such two major systems are only connected with authorized access, to ensure the privacy and safety of the hotel suites.
  20. Factory in the entire kitchen design process used computer-aided design cad, efficient quick quotation providing customers with engineering, equipment, water, electric floor plan, three-dimensional graph layout, etc.

floor plan 单语例句

  1. This is the city fathers'master vision for Shanghai, complete with a huge model plan laid out on the floor.
  2. After a quick walk through the floor plan, it's not hard to imagine its use as a movie theater in the past.
  3. After being ushered through steel doors, the club opens out to reveal a thoughtfully constructed floor plan.
  4. The ground floor is a large open plan restaurant with a huge grand piano next to the entrance.
  5. Oversized windows and an arched floor plan accentuate the grandeur of the scenery, creating a sense of drama as you gaze out at the water and skyscrapers.

floor plan [flɔ: plæn]

n. 楼层平面图
[网络] 楼面平面图;平面布置图;平面配置图
floor plan


programme: 使用广泛,既可指思想上的计划,又可指任何形式的书面计划或规划。
project: 多指由个人或集体为进行某项工作或完成某一项较大的任务,而制定的计划方案或设想。
scheme: 普通用词,比plan更强调计划的通盘筹划和某些细节的精心安排。在现代英语中,常用于指阴谋诡计。
plan: 最普通常用词,多指事先经过较充分的准备或考虑后制定的计划,也可指非决定性的打算或设想。
blueprint: 从本义蓝图,引申指详细而具体的行动计划。
design: 侧重指按照目标、目的意向,根据固定格式精心作出的计划或安排。
plot: 主要指为实现某一阴谋而拟定秘密的计划。

floor: 指某一座高层建筑物的某一层。
storey: 通常仅用以表示某一建筑的高度。