flash by是什么意思 flash by在线中文翻译

flash by

flash by 双语例句

  1. By making my light source larger than just the area of the small flash tube, I am immediately making my light softer.
  2. It is composed by microprocessor and memory and other four modules.
  3. The hydrolysis technology of methy formate was dealt. The effecf of ratio of starting material and flash on the process was studied, and the best operation and condition was determined by the test.
  4. The results obtained show that the primary factor causing a secondaary combustion in the high underexpanded muzzle jet is the strong Mach disk which exists for long time and we can weaken or suppress the secondary flash by deceasing strengh of the Mach disk.
  5. He optimization analysis and design of pneumatic dryer s by optimization technique were described in this paper.
    气流干燥器,flash dryer,在线英语词典,英文翻译,专业英语
  6. The method is based on clock circle dived principle. The time errors in direct digital counting method are converted to digital flash-code by latching the output of FPGA delay cells.
  7. Reject any mold flash greater than 5 mils in any one dimension or reduces the effective pad area by 5% or greater. For the exposed die pad area, mold flash shall not reduce the exposed pad area by more than 5%.
  8. The impact toughness of ERW steel pipe raw material is a multiple times than seamless steel pipe, therefore the impact tightness of weld line is rather important to ERW steel pipe. By controlling impurity capacity of raw material, the height of flash and direction, mold border shape, leg, welding speed, heating power and frequency, weld extrusion variable, intermediate frequency temperature and depth, air-cooled length, it assures the impact of weld line reach 60% of the raw material. If the weld line is further optimized, the impact of weld line can approach its raw material, finally realizing the same performance as seamless pipes.
    由于 ERW 钢管母材的冲击韧性数倍于无缝钢管,焊缝处的冲击韧性是 ERW 钢管的关键,通过控制原材料杂质含量、纵剪毛刺高度与方向、成型边部形态、焊角、焊接速度、加热功率与频率、焊接挤压量、中频退伙温度与深度、空冷段长度等工艺参数保证了焊缝的冲击功达到母材的60%以上,如进一步优化,可实现焊缝冲击功接近母材,从而实现性能无缝化。
  9. Then, the effect of structure and operating parameter of cyclone flash flotation on separation size of desirable particle is studied by the e...
  10. Flash forward to some months later, when you're captured in the countryside by your old friend Crowley.
  11. I was struck by the similarity of the game to one I played back in the early 80's on my TRS-80 Color Computer (obviously, without the Flash interface).
    我感到震惊的是相似的游戏我打一个在80年代初回到我的TRS - 80彩色电脑。
  12. It has been widely used for the transient light property measurement of different explosive and shells, the light property parameters measurement of plane obstacle avoidance light and ship navigation mark lamp, pulsed Xenon lamp, camera flash light and various luminotrons in solid luminescence. It can also be used to measure source or flames, where are difficultly approached by means of fiber optic guidance. In addition, it finds wide use In medical treatment, biology and chemistry.
  13. This thesis sets up a new method to synthesize stereoselectively? ra玸--2, 5-disubstituted tetrahydrofurans by introducing two alkyl groups in 3-C and 5-C of lactol, flash decomposition and hydrogenation.
  14. The key problem is to synthesize high stereoselectively trans- 2, 5- disubstituted tetrahydrofurans. This thesis sets up a new method to synthesize stereoselectively? ra玸--2, 5-disubstituted tetrahydrofurans by introducing two alkyl groups in 3-C and 5-C of lactol, flash decomposition and hydrogenation.
  15. This was first quantified by Block in his temperature flash theory.
  16. Amongst these, 15–20% died from injuries or the combined effects of flash burns, trauma, and radiation burns, compounded by illness, malnutrition and radiation sickness.
    其中,15-20 %受伤或死亡是由于闪光烧伤,创伤,烧伤和辐射造成的影响,再加上疾病,营养不良和放射病。
  17. Unlike other flash carts there is no need to select what boot method to use since this is handled internally by the EZ4Client.
  18. By solving simultaneously average Reynolds equation, nominal film thickness equation, energy equation, asperity contact temperature equation, etc., the effects of surface topography parameters such as surface texture orientation and surface roughness and other operating condition parameters on the flash temperatures in the oil film layer and on the gear t...
  19. Unders. You will not be bothered by animated ads or narcissistic Flash intros if you choose not to.
  20. Single flash of time gone by, marriage suddenly befall you, you are ready do?

flash by 单语例句

  1. When Carter is dumped by Sophia in a North Hollywood coffee shop, he sees his entire life flash before his eyes.
  2. The company also builds its strong brand reputation by looking for diversified promotional channels, such as online flash ads and TV spots during children's programming.
  3. An electric current, lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by a thunderstorm.
  4. TVBS also showed a helicopter rescuing a watermelon farmer from a raging river created by flash floods in mountainous Hualien County on the east coast.
  5. Officials expected to find more bodies farther upstream as they finally got access to hamlets struck by flash flooding on Monday.
  6. Most of the deaths were caused by mudslides and flash floods sweeping through mountain valleys after five days of heavy rains beginning last Thursday.
  7. Also rescuers have reached the 104 primary school students and nine teachers trapped at a military training site in Fangshan district by a flash flood.
  8. Five people were killed by flash floods caused by the sudden downpour on Monday, which the local weather bureau said was the worst in the last hundred years.
  9. Also rescuers have reached the 350 students and 40 teachers trapped at a military training site in Fangshan district by a flash flood.
  10. If you saw videos of the recent floods in Beijing the best ones were uploaded by those caught in the flash storm themselves.

flash by [flæʃ bai]

na. 一闪而过的
flash by


flash: 指突然发出而随即消失的闪光。
glare: 指眩目的光。
blaze: 指猛烈燃烧所发生强烈的光。
glow: 指像冶炼铁和钢时发出的红光。
flare: 指摇曳的火焰。
light: 普通用词,指日、月、星或灯等的光。
twinkle: 指如星光等的闪烁。
glitter: 指连续发出闪烁不定的光。
flame: 指一条或多条火舌,多用复数形式,指由许多火舌构成的大火。

flash: 指突然发出随即消失的闪光,如闪电的光。
sparkle: 指发出闪动的光或火星。
glow: 指像熔铁余烬等发出的明亮、强烈、夺目的光。
gleam: 指透过间隔物或映衬于较暗背景上的微弱光线。也指闪光。
twinkle: 指断断续续或摇晃不定的灿烂闪光。
glitter: 指连续发出的闪烁不定的光,有时含贬义。