flame ablation是什么意思 flame ablation在线中文翻译

flame ablation

flame ablation 双语例句

  1. The evaporation of ZrO2 will absorb heat and relieve erosion from oxyacetylene flame on the ablated surface of the specimen, and also accelerate the mass loss of the specimen, which leads to the decrease of the linear ablation rate and increase of mass ablation rate of the composites.
  2. The influence of fibers, flame retardants and fillers on the ablation resistance of EPDM insulation material is reviewed.
    目前EPDM绝热层材料已在固体火箭发动机内绝热层得到了广泛应用,如美国的三叉戟系列导弹、M X导弹,日本的M-5火箭及俄罗斯、意大利的一些导弹型号等,中国部分固体火箭发动机也采用了EPDM绝热层材料。
  3. Like thousands of Candle burning, faint flame ablation in Zhu Lei, the failure to burn the wick to stay is not seen signs of incurable trauma.
  4. In order to improve the anti-ablation performance of unsaturated polyester (UPR) inhibitor, an effective flame retardant-coated red phosphorus was added into the UPR inhibitor material.
  5. The ablation-resistance property of the resulting nozzle is greatly improved. After keeping in 2000 ℃ oxygen-acetylene flame for a minute, the weight loss of the nozzle with Al filler is only 0.02% which is 3.07% less than that without active fillers.
  6. The ablation-resistance property of the resulting nozzle is greatly improved. After keeping in 2000 ℃ oxygen-acetylene flame for a minute, the weight loss of the nozzle with Al filler is only 0.02 % which is 3.07 % less than that without active fillers.

flame ablation

flame ablation


flash: 指突然发出而随即消失的闪光。
glare: 指眩目的光。
blaze: 指猛烈燃烧所发生强烈的光。
glow: 指像冶炼铁和钢时发出的红光。
flare: 指摇曳的火焰。
light: 普通用词,指日、月、星或灯等的光。
twinkle: 指如星光等的闪烁。
glitter: 指连续发出闪烁不定的光。
flame: 指一条或多条火舌,多用复数形式,指由许多火舌构成的大火。