fence post是什么意思 fence post在线中文翻译

fence post

fence post 双语例句

  1. Instead, use a post and rail fence or woven wire horse fencing.
  2. It threw a gleam of recognition on here a post, and there a garden-fence, and here a latticed windowpane, and there a pump, with its full trough of water, and here, again, an arched door of oak, with an iron knocker, and a rough log for the door-step. The Reverend Mr.
  3. It threw a gleam of recognition on here a post, and there a garden-fence, and here a latticed windowpane, and there a pump, with its full trough of water, and here, again, an arched door of oak, with an iron knocker, and a rough log for the door-step.
  4. At the bottom of the fence-post, opposite the third tree, will be found a small pasteboard box.
  5. You can be waylaid by the unexpected baboon sitting atop a fence post by the side of the road, by the odd shovel-mouthed lizard, or by the huge haystacklike homes of sociable weaver birds.
  6. Be sure the fence is high enough to prevent your horse from jumping out and sturdy enough to hold up when he decides to use a post to scratch his back.
  7. Then I took the Pieces of Cable which I had cut in the Ship, and I laid them in Rows one upon another, within the Circle, between these two Rows of Stakes, up to the Top, placing other Stakes in the In-side, leaning against them, about two Foot and a half high, like a Spurr to a Post, and this Fence was so strong, that neither Man or Beast could get into it or over it: This cost me a great deal of Time and Labour, especially to cut the Piles in the Woods, bring them to the Place, and drive them into the Earth.
  8. I tapered the end of the fence post with an ax.
  9. A small sharp knife used in paring fruits or vegetables. I tapered the end of the fence post with an ax.
  10. A short-eared owl on a fence post shows off its bright eyes.
  11. A hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post.
  12. In tight faded jeans, sandals, and a white T-shirt, her hair blowing in the morning wind as she leaned against a fence post.
  13. Masonry fence post or pillar. Use to end a fence section, or drag on top of fence to add posts.
  14. The hawk landed on a fence post near the road.
  15. To make the hull extension, I turned down a fence post to the correct diameter accounting for glass thickness.
  16. The farmer set a fence post near the gate.

fence post

un. 护栏柱
[网络] 栅栏柱;围篱桩;篱柱
fence post


enclose: 指把某物四周围住或封闭起来,使之与外界隔绝。
fence: 通常指用栅栏栏开或围起来。
encircle: 侧重在某事物周围围成圈状。
surround: 普通用词,既可指环绕、围绕,也可指军事上的包围。
envelop: 着重指把某个物体完全包起来或整个封起来。

fence: 指为阻止人或牲畜等进入田地或院子等而用树木、铁丝网、栅栏等筑成篱笆样的东西。
hedge: 主要指利用灌木丛构成的篱笆。

graduate: 大学毕业生
undergraduate: 大学本科生
post graduate: 研究生

mail: 主要用于美国。
post: 主要用于英国。

position: 侧重指社会地位较高,工作较为庄重,领取工资的职位。
post: 普通用词,指人的职务,职位,岗位。
place: 指任何不分高低贵贱的职位;有时侧重指在政府、法庭所谋求的职位。
situation: 正式用词,一般指雇员或为富有人家工作所担任的职位,现多见于广告中。