fat generation是什么意思 fat generation在线中文翻译

fat generation

fat generation 双语例句

  1. Sushen rejection of fat: comfortable, time-saving and efficiency of the new generation of slimming equipment!
  2. Li Mubai errant generation (Chow Yun-fat played) have to withdraw from the political arena of Italy, entrusted sirens friendYu Xiulian will be transferred to the Qingming Jian Bei Leye collection, unexpectedly Yujiao by night-long to steal.
  3. Methods: ADSCs were obtained from the inguinal fat pads of SD rats by type I collagenase digestion and density gradient centrifugation. Adipogenic differentiation of the third generation of ADSCs was induced with the adipogenic medium (α-MEM medium supplemented with 100 mL/L fetal bovine serum, 1 μmol/L dexamethasone, 10 μmol/L insulin, 200 μmol/L indomethacin, and 0.5 mmol/L 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine) prior to applying miRNA chip technology for examination of miRNA-27b. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) was used to detect the expression of miRNA-27b. Moreover, the bioinformatics analysis was utilized to discuss adipogenic-related function of the miRNA-27b.
  4. " A generation ago, fat babies were considered healthy and buxom actresses were popular, but society has since come to worship thinness "(Robert A. Hamilton)
  5. Fat Man and the most MM Xue, had a fat man like Rafah MM hair Xue Xue MM like pinch overweight children face. They make mixed neighborhood, MS no generation gap.
  6. Boys, more treasured than girls, are often those who suffer most from being overweight, as the older generation stuffs them with sweets, cake and meat in the hope that a fat boy will turn into a big man.
  7. Children are getting so fat they may be the first generation to die before their parents, an expert claimed yesterday.
  8. It can be hard to ask a generation that remembers mass starvation to consider fat and meat the enemy.
  9. Fat Young Aussies Ruin Sporty Image Forget eligible, tanned and sporty? the fashionable generation of Australians is hasty becoming fat, pale and idle.

fat generation

fat generation


fat: 多指动物性脂肪,常为固态。
grease: 通常指经加热变柔软的油脂。
oil: 泛指植物、动物和矿物性液体油。

stout: 指膀粗腰圆,身体笨重,暗示肥壮。
plump: 指胖得匀称好看,有曲线感。
fat: 通俗用词,略含贬义。指因体内脂肪过多而显肥胖。