face cut是什么意思 face cut在线中文翻译

face cut

face cut 双语例句

  1. Wow! Long blond hair like a waterfall on her shoulder, a shining necklace around her white neck, a golden bracelet on her slim wrist, a neatly cut fringe over a pair of big, bright, beautiful eyes, surrounded by long eyelashes painted in black, a little mouth under an impressive but not aggressive nose, a svelte and graceful body timidly hidden in a shining gold skirt, small feet well fitted into a pair of black high-heeled shoes decorated with gold ornaments, a sunny smile on her face, she looked elegant, graceful, but a little bit shy.
  2. He said:'Ronaldo was the typical player you hoped never to face, he could make every defender cut a poor figure.
  3. I am a poor wayfaring stranger I am your enemy for hire I cut the line, I brave the danger I've come to seek my savior L'amour here she flies I close my eyes to see her face I lay down to die on my devil's highway Then beneath the sand there lies a story There are ghosts who wait and hide There were others who saw glory faded fast before me L'adore now she cries I close my eyes to see her face I lay down to die on my devil's highway Devil's highway Devil's highway Devil's highway Devil's highway With the earthbound heavens aflame The thicket cuts me to the bone The carry on howl calls me by name Masses that the desert claims I'm going back home, back home I close my eyes to see her face I lay down to die on my devil's highway
  4. These lanterns were mangel-wurzelsor pumpkins hollowed out with a ghostly face cut into them, illuminated by a candle placed inside.
  5. It begins with the familiar WB logo, flying through the clouds. We hear Sirius Black speaking, talking about Voldemort's return, then we see his face. Cut to Dumbledore, speaking to, presumably, the Wizengamot warning them of Voldy's return, that they should not ignore the signs.
  6. Http://dissendium. com/page. php? id=941It begins with the familiar WB logo, flying through the clouds. We hear Sirius Black speaking, talking about Voldemort's return, then we see his face. Cut to Dumbledore, speaking to, presumably, the Wizengamot warning them of Voldy's return, that they should not ignore the signs.
  7. X1 m! q7 v w8 z4 v It begins with the familiar WB logo, flying through the clouds. We hear Sirius Black speaking, talking about Voldemort's return, then we see his face. Cut to Dumbledore, speaking to, presumably, the Wizengamot warning them of Voldy's return, that they should not ignore the signs.
    `* e7 `* s; p7 5 P 预告片开始于我们熟悉的在云端飞翔的华纳的LOGO,然后我们听到小天狼星在说话,说的是伏地魔卷土重来了,然后切换到邓布利多,按推测是在对威森加摩说话,警告他们伏地魔回来了,他们不应该忽视那些征兆。
  8. To this end, our water environment identified the main elements of the comprehensive rectification works: First, the pollution face-to three loop within the 35 serious pollution of rivers software, dredging and flood control; Second, cut off sources of pollution, within the Old City near the 248 Road and the streets of urban centres and networks within the 7171 households Convergence drainage for stormwater pollution streaming transformation modules households; Third, for being clean sewage change, the new three sewage treatment plants, increased 500, 000 cubic metres of sewage treatment capacity, the city will be the last day water treatment capacity by 400, 000 cubic metres to 900, 000 cubic metres.
  9. A metal leading edge cover integrated in said shell, wherein said elongated leaf forming said spar is constituted by a single bundle of rovings which is folded on itself in a zone of fold to define two equal halves having inner parts adjacent said zone of fold and outer parts remote from said zone of fold, said inner parts constituting said spar root part having an inner end arranged as a loop surrounding a tubular connecting element for connecting the blade to said hub, and said outer parts being coupled to each other and constituting said spar major part received in said shell and bonded, on one hand, in a cut-out provided in one face of said preformed filling body and whose cross-section corresponds substantially to that of said spar major part, and, on the other hand, directly on an inner face part of said shell opposite said cut-out of said filling body, and said shell comprises an inner end turned towards said spar root part and arranged as a blade root which is traversed by said spar root part and made with extensions of each layer of fiber fabrics constituting said shell and covering a stack of reinforcing fiber fabric layers.
  10. First 27 rabbits of the experimental group were destabilizated by operated on L6、7.Inj Diazepam 0.25 mg/kg, Inj Ketamine 0.02 g/kg and Inj Atropine 0.125 mg/kg was one by one injected into the rabbit through the auris vein, shearing the rabbit hair of backside waist, fixing the rabbit on operation table in face lying, using 1% Povidone Ioding to degerm the operation area. Every rabbit was incised at the backside of its waist, that incisal opening is located in the center of the intervertebral space (L6、7 space) that both side iliac crest line correspond, from the meso-ordinate direction cut about 4 cm incision, cutting open skin and subcutaneous tissue, thoroughly, exposing the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the upper-inferior articular processes, entirely segregating the muscles that cohere the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the articluar process, then excising the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments, biting off two sides the inferior articular processes of L6, in order that resulting in intervertebral destabilization, using 0.9% Inj. Sodium Chloride to washout the incisal opening, in order sewing up each layer tissues.
    方法] 取48只6个月龄日本大耳白兔,雌雄不限,体重为(2.5±0.2) kg,随机进行分组,分为对照组和实验组,对照组为21只;实验组为27只;先将实验组兔腰背部皮毛剪除,用安定注射液1.25 mg/kg、氯胺酮0.02 g/kg、阿托品0.125 mg/kg顺次耳缘静脉注射麻醉后,俯卧固定于手术台上,用1%碘伏消毒手术区域,以髂嵴平对椎间隙(即L6、7)为中心,从正中取一长约4 cm纵行切口,切开皮肤及皮下组织,锐性分离,暴露棘突、椎板及上下关节突,将附着于棘突、椎板及小关节的肌肉全部分离开,然后依次切除L6、7棘上及棘间韧带,咬除第6腰椎两侧下关节突,造成椎间失稳,用无菌生理盐水冲洗切口,依次缝合各层组织;术后动物在笼中自由活动。
  11. Inj Diazepam 0.25 mg/kg, Inj Ketamine 0.02 g/kg and Inj Atropine 0.125 mg/kg was one by one injected into the rabbit through the auris vein, shearing the rabbit hair of backside waist, fixing the rabbit on operation table in face lying, using 1% Povidone Ioding to degerm the operation area. Every rabbit was incised at the backside of its waist, that incisal opening is located in the center of the intervertebral space (L6、7 space) that both side iliac crest line correspond, from the meso-ordinate direction cut about 4 cm incision, cutting open skin and subcutaneous tissue, thoroughly, exposing the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the upper-inferior articular processes, entirely segregating the muscles that cohere the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the articluar process, then excising the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments, biting off two sides the inferior articular processes of L6, in order that resulting in intervertebral destabilization, using 0.9% Inj. Sodium Chloride to washout the incisal opening, in order sewing up each layer tissues.
    方法] 取48只6个月龄日本大耳白兔,雌雄不限,体重为(2.5±0.2) kg,随机进行分组,分为对照组和实验组,对照组为21只;实验组为27只;先将实验组兔腰背部皮毛剪除,用安定注射液1.25 mg/kg、氯胺酮0.02 g/kg、阿托品0.125 mg/kg顺次耳缘静脉注射####后,俯卧固定于手术台上,用1%碘伏消毒手术区域,以髂嵴平对椎间隙(即L6、7)为中心,从正中取一长约4 cm纵行切口,切开皮肤及皮下组织,锐性分离,暴露棘突、椎板及上下关节突,将附着于棘突、椎板及小关节的肌肉全部分离开,然后依次切除L6、7棘上及棘间韧带,咬除第6腰椎两侧下关节突,造成椎间失稳,用无菌生理盐水冲洗切口,依次缝合各层组织;术后动物在笼中自由活动。
  12. Mesona, and the most famous buckwheat noodles cut. Buckwheat noodle is cut before the buckwheat noodles with warm water and into a dough, using rolling cane or rolling into a thin or thick bread dough and then placed in pots on the cut surface along the chopping board on top of dedicated, and then with both hands since they are two of the specially designed handle knife cut noodles, cut from the back side before moving there in a rhythm to the sound of the knife will be a uniform fine-root length thrown boiling buckwheat noodles in boiling pans to be cooked noodles, or fish into the plump lamb, pork smell of urine intang wan son, or to a special fishingsuan tang bowl, or let guests transferred to the oil with dry noodles, salt, fried hot face, shy child, green onion and other spices, all of their food preferences.
  13. Technician of imitate fixed position is affirmatory to place shoot wild reach protection to organize limits to go up at face guard with earmark pen draw the outline of, film image is saved contrast with equipment test and verify at computer, fall in identical parameter by technician to remedial computer room again, the position is blocked to undertake draw the outline of to lead with earmark pen on bracket of plumbic link stopper, send expanded plastics of patternmaking room cut, mould plumbic piece, refrigeration next shape, sticky finally stick plumbic piece to send imitate test and verify of fixed position room.
  14. It is a kind of attached decoration that cut crystal glass into diamond's face.
  15. The dissertation is aimed at the pratical problem about the structure stability of working face and whole mining area, which is very important in the mine design and mine engineering with the chamber-and-pillar flat- back cut-and-fill method in Sanshandao Gold Mine.
  16. You'll walk unseathed. No ploughman's blake will cut thee down. No cutler's horn will mark thy face. I've gone to find my aim true love.
  17. You're not gonna cut my face, are you?
  18. His face was cut about in the accident.
  19. First time you see a guy's face cut up, you puke.
  20. If the demand is not lowered and the waste cut, we will face disaster in the near future.

face cut 单语例句

  1. Chinese developers face a shortage of credit and higher interest rates, prompting Standard & Poor's to cut its outlook on the sector.
  2. A coal dredger tears into the face of the Loy Yang Open Cut coal mine in Latrobe Valley near Melbourne.
  3. In the face of sudden disasters, the relief operations often cut across borders.
  4. In the face of rising prices, many consumers are starting to cut back on their consumption.
  5. Brown tweeted a picture of his face with a cut on his chin, then deleted it.
  6. To better build up the role, the actor had his hair cut short and his face cosmetically scarred.
  7. Hong Kong soon may see the end of free water, as part of the continuing effort to cut usage in the face of looming shortages.
  8. A shorter style can be very flattering, especially if cut to frame your face.
  9. Record exports are underpinning Australia's economy as consumers cut spending in the face of the highest interest rates in 12 years and rising fuel prices.
  10. Battier was cut over his left eye and had blood streaming down his face in the closing seconds of the first quarter.

face cut

un. 弦切
[网络] 基准材面
face cut


look: 普通用词,多用复数,可与appearance换用,但较口语化。
face: 侧重指容貌。
aspect: 书面用词,突出人或事物在某特定时间或地点时的外貌。
appearance: 普通用词,着重由总体产生的印象。

face: 侧重双方静止地面对面,或指指充满勇气、信心和决心正视人或事。
encounter: 通常指遇到困难或挫折,也指偶然或意外地相遇。
meet: 普通用词,本义指双方或多方从不同方向或相反方向作向对运动,最终相碰(遇)。
contact: 多指通过书信、电话或直接会面和别人联系。口语用词。
confront: 不可避免的,面对面的相遇。也指敢于正视困难或问题的决心和信心。

shorten: 通常指缩短时间、尺寸或过程。
abbreviate: 指省去应有的或后续的部分,从而使整体缩短。也可指缩短时间。
abridge: 多指对书籍的删节或缩短,删去不重要部分而保存其精华。
cut: 普通用词,指任何缩短而缩减的过程。

bruise: 指表皮下面的组织受损,但没有破裂。但由于血流进组织,因而出现紫块。普通用词。
scar: 主要指伤口愈合而留下的伤疤。
cut: 指因尖利的器械的刺或割而造成的或深或浅的伤口。
wound: 通常指尖锐锋利的工具所致的伤口,多深及到表皮组织以下。可用作引申指打击或伤害。

scratch: 抓伤;
bruise: 擦伤
bump/lump: 碰伤肿块;
cut: 割伤;
burn: 灼伤;

hack: 指粗暴地乱剪、乱砍、乱劈。
cut: 普通用词,使用广泛。指用带刃工具的切、割、砍等的行动。
chop: 指用刀斧连续猛力砍某物,以便砍断、切碎。