exotic fuel是什么意思 exotic fuel在线中文翻译

exotic fuel

exotic fuel 双语例句

  1. Thermal hydraulics: feat systems, noesis agitate sending systems, anti-lock braking systems, cerebration gear, render shot systems, astir support systems, lubrication systems* Gas dynamics: pneumatics, propulsion, sterilization, expose and clean cycles, high-pressure gas, pedal transmission, adsorption, pedal form reactions, HVAC, ECS, multi-species aerosolized systems* Multiphase fluids: refrigeration, air-conditioning, status control, cryogenic piping networks, steam/water systems, or render systems with exotic, vaporific fluids.* Systems curb element and code assessment data acquisition distribution rates, anachronic communication, similarity and digital electronic filters, curb wrap enforcement rates, meshwork (CAN charabanc communication, etc.* Fuel cells: stationary or mobile.* Electrical systems: AC/DC machines, noesis electronics, batteries, etc. Flight dynamics, and curb systems of every kinds including digital filters
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  2. While lubrication technology to maximise engine life is not restricted, fuel development is limited by FIA rules to avoid a costly horsepower race involving exotic additives.
  3. Even if the fuel is something exotic like antimatter, carrying far more energy than sunlight or uranium, the problem of cooling the engine remains insuperable.

exotic fuel 单语例句

  1. Its remoteness and the exotic beauty of Buddhism fuel the Western imagination.

exotic fuel

exotic fuel