exert an influence on是什么意思 exert an influence on在线中文翻译

exert an influence on

exert an influence on 双语例句

  1. Various music activities in music education process can give an excitation on the internals potential hiding in deep heart. Music practice can promote the personal development on morality, mentality, body, and aesthetics, and so on. And it can exert a subtle influence on formation and development of physical and mental at many aspects.
  2. Good English driving ability brings great help to your work, English will exert an influence on your life.
  3. On the other hand, scholars'views are so confined that al- though they believe that there are some relations and communications in remote ages, they can not exert an influence on the world history.
  4. Into this void came the new, major force of Islam, which was to exert an enormous influence on Europe for centuries.
  5. The calcinations temperature is found to exert an important influence on the structures and components of the Mn-Ce oxides catalysts. A low calcination temperature (00 ℃) only could partially decompose manganese nitrate to β-MnO2, whereas a higher temperature (700 ℃) would result in partial decomposition of β-MnO2, which would lower the catalytic activity.
  6. It is thought that the lateral heterogeneity can exert an important influence on edge-water gas reservoir profuction performance and the permeability variation coefficient is well related to gas recovery factor and cumulative water-gas ratio.
  7. Based on the physical model experiment and large numbers of actual project experiment data, this paper studies various type ship different dock arrangement. Several effects exert an influence on ship mooring line forces, and discuss the relationship between zero dimension mooring line forces and zero dimension rolling period.
  8. Government's financial department is an important organization to put into practice the basic endowment insurance Financial conditions, financial management system and the ways of management will greatly exert an influence on endowment insurance system.
  9. Special vocation and work environment exert an influence on the formation of psychological feature, which needs understanding so that the bad events can be avoided.
  10. In recent years, some studies suggest, just like breast cancer and prostate cancer, steroid hormones might play an important role in the proliferation and differentiation of ovarian cancer. As steroid hormones, GCs exert profound effects on the proliferation and differentiation of many types of normal and malignant cells, such as fibroblasts and lymphatic leukemia cells. However, up to now, there are few reports about the effects of GCs on biological behaviors of ovarian cancer and breast cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to further explore the influence of GCs on ovarian cancer、breast cancer and their underlying mechanisms.
    本实验分四部分,第一部分研究糖皮质激素等甾体激素对人卵巢癌细胞系(3AO)、人乳腺癌细胞系(MCF-7)增殖分化过程的影响;第二部分研究3AO、MCF-7中有无糖皮质激素受体(glucocorticoid receptor,GR)的表达,GCs抑制细胞增殖是否通过GR介导;第三部分研究GCs对3AO、MCF-7细胞周期及细胞周期蛋白抑制因子p21的影响;第四部分从信号转导途径的角度研究细胞外调节信号激酶(extracellularsignal regulated kinase,ERK)通路激活状态对糖皮质激素抑制3AO、MCF-7细胞增殖状态的影响,以进一步阐明激素作用的分子机制。
  11. The judgment of prior art and inventiveness standard, the patent maintenance annual fee system, and the tort reparation system all exert an important influence on the patent maintenance system.
  12. The results suggest that the PAG may exert an excitatory influence on pontine micturition reflex of the rat.
  13. The experimental results show that both the depth and the radius exert an influence on the stress concentration at the groove bottom remarkably, and the influence of the flare angle can be neglected.
  14. According to Bachman, only when the difficulty is positioned at an appropriate level can test scores offer the most information, and too high or too low a difficulty will both exert negative influence on the meaning of scores.
  15. Government's financial department is an important organization to put into practice the basic endowment insurance financial conditions, financial management system and the ways of management will greatly exert an influence on endowment insurance system.
  16. For example, clock problems on a main transmission line will cause enormous adjustment of clock to the main transmission line, which will impose influence over system transmission quality of transmission network and thus further exert an influence on various networks that the transmission network carries.
  17. An author and commentator on Thai politics, Chris Baker, says the arrests could be attributed to Thaksin looking to re-exert his influence over the governing People's Power Party.
  18. As a new forward branch of science, NT will become a core driving force of causing a new round of material revolution in the 21 st century and exert an immense influence on the field of aerospace.
  19. Literature and art exert an imperceptible influence on people's thinking.
  20. From the angle of social change, concept and culture exert an important influence on the impermissible behaviour in stock market.

exert an influence on 单语例句

  1. Although feng shui's effect has waned over the centuries, it can still exert an influence on contemporary China.
  2. It is alleged that he had attempted to exert undue influence on Highways Department senior officers to affect removal of an engineer from his post.
  3. And they should be aroused to contribute their share to marine protection and exert an influence on other social strata with their concrete deeds.

exert an influence on

un. 对…发生影响
[网络] 产生影响;对……施加影响;对……产生影响
exert an influence on


affect: 作主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的消极影响。
influence: 侧重在思想、性格、行为等方面所产生的潜移默化的影响,也可指自然力的影响。
impress: 强调影响既深刻又持久。

effect: n. 功效,影响 v. 产生,实现(目的)等
influence: v. 潜移默化的影响人的行为,性格,观点
affect: v. 对…..产生不良影响

effect: 指某人或某事的影响产生特殊“效果”
validity: 有效性,合法性
influence: 强调“潜移默化”的影响
efficiency: 效率