euromoney是什么意思 euromoney在线中文翻译


Euromoney 网络解释

  1. 欧洲货币
    ...本报讯 (记者敖晓波)<<欧洲货币>>(Euromoney)杂志2002年第七期评选出全球新兴市场183家公司治理水平最好的企业,中国内地及香港地区共有12家企业入选. 内地企业中中国石化、中海油、大唐发电、联想四家企业榜上有名,...
  2. 欧洲货币;欧洲通货
    ...Euromart;欧洲共同市场;; | Euromoney;欧洲货币;欧洲通货;; | Euronote;欧洲期票;;...
  3. 欧洲货币 英国
    ...31 Economy and society 经济与社会 英国 32 | 32 Euromoney 欧洲货币 英国 129 | 33 European economic review 欧洲经济评论 荷兰 40...
  4. 欧洲货币","英","经济学
    ...399 Business history 商业史 英 经济学 | 400 Euromoney 欧洲货币 英 经济学 | 401 Scottish journal of political economy 苏格兰政治经济学杂志 英 经济学...

Euromoney 双语例句

  1. 2006For the third year, REAG of American Appraisal will sponsor the EuroMoney Conference: European Hotel
  2. The Euromoney Vietnam Investment Forum was supposed to bring hundreds of the world's top money managers to Hanoi.
  3. Nternet Securities, Inc., established in 1994, is a Euromoney Institutional Investor company serving emerging market specialists at financial institutions and multinational corporations in the United States, Europe and emerging markets like China.
    SI 创建于1994年,1998年正式成为 Euromoney Institutional Investor集团的全资控股公司,为欧美及全球各新兴市场的金融机构、跨国企业的专业人士提供信息服务。
  4. Deutsche Bank holds a 15.18% market share in currencies dealing, according to the latest annual Euromoney benchmark survey. Citigroup commands a 14.9% share.

Euromoney 单语例句

  1. Managing Intellectual Property is published monthly by Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC and was founded 14 years ago.
  2. The Company was also elected as Best Insurance Company in Asia in 2003 by EuroMoney magazine.
  3. " We have handcuffs and shackles for him if he wants to escape, " said Shale of Euromoney jokingly.
  4. It has been voted the world's leading developer in residential property for 2009 by Euromoney.
  5. BNP was ranked as the top equity derivatives company by Euromoney magazine in 2010.
  6. Three Chinese cities have won five investment awards handed out by Euromoney's Strategic Direct Investor Magazine.

Euromoney [ˈjuərəuˌmʌni]

n. 欧洲货币