ethical value是什么意思 ethical value在线中文翻译

ethical value

ethical value 双语例句

  1. At the same time, the ethical prescription of western cultural infection by him is revealing to the ethical value orientation in Chinese cultural construction.
  2. The individual selfish departmentalism, rational egoism, false collectivism, and the like cannot be the contemporary orientation of ethical value on account of their various limitations.
  3. Wu De theory of jurisprudence from the perspective of understanding, not only as individual ethical norms embodied martial arts subjects, will focus on personal choices, but contains the entire martial arts community activities and participation in other social activities, the normative order, and that only individuals Wu De adapt social practice could determine their character or, at the same time, Wu De only in the order of social consensus norms, the only practical value and significance.
  4. And the ethical viewpoint of value that the traditional culture of a country decided people greatly.
  5. The development of science and technology has brought a lot of ethical puzzles to mankind. Scientific research must be governed and guided by ethics, and it must respect the basic value of ethics.
  6. In the process for the realization of personality perfection, ethical standardization and moral education play an irreplaceably important role, because any kinds of ethical and moral value targets eventually all point to the successful completion and perfection of personality, to the people's all-round development.
  7. The result of the progress indicated that the culture in different times determined the different ethical criterion and value.
  8. Any moral conduct, whether having true ethical value or being of customs, is irrational.
  9. Nowadays, the research on the conservation-oriented society mainly lies in discussing its value, which is limited in the field of consumption and regard it as the same of reasonable consumption and scientific consumption, and in the meantime, overlooks its political and ethical values and its critical function to the modern social system.
  10. Here is a value-system, ethical standard, religious devotion, attitude to money, ambition, lifestyle and network of relationships - all of which are totally at variance with those in the non-Christian world.
  11. So the ethical idea and moral value we here adhere to don't mean concrete principles and rules, but moral idea of supreme good, which embodies in the life of a single person, ie, the dignity of life or the prerequisit of being a person.
  12. The second part enunciates Hayek s definition on liberty and its ethical value by using his thinking st...
  13. The morals are formed by the code of ethic and ethical value.
  14. It is a kind of group ethical values with humanitarian spirit meriting a high academic value and practical significance.
  15. In 2008, a focus point for this year`s festival will be the social and political investigation of international news cases, to discuss the social and ethical value of documentary film art as a form of mass media.
  16. International news cases and their social and political implications were a focus point for last year`s Nordox 2008 festival, this was set up as a platform to discuss the social and ethical value of documentary film art as a form of mass media.
  17. Of value judgment and in the aspect of concrete ethical norms, thoughts of modern nationality transformation embodied the modern transformation from the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the feudal ethical code to the bourgoise morality of independence, freedomand equality, and finally to the socialist code of unity, mutual aid and coorperation, and furnished the concrete standards of conduct. On one hand, on the basis of modern transformation of social tendency of value judgement and moral norm, China modern bourgeois thinkers broke the feudal shackles in people's mind by attacking fierely such backward psychology as back to ancient, conservatism, passivity, nonaction, closing the country
  18. In the field of practice, however, due to the influences of national character, national psychology, ethical concepts, cultural tradition, cognitive habits and so on, people fail to get a clear understanding of the moral value and form a correct vision of the moral value of law, which accounts for the deviation from, even opposition against, the correct understanding of the moral value of law in the process of legislation, law enforcement, the administration of law and the abidance by law.
  19. Secondly, the ethical consideration in Three Colors: Blue, White, Red, in a great sense reflects much more ethical confusions of people in the value diversity of contemporary society, and the effort of finding out the way in the troubled moral position.
  20. Respecting ethical principles, we create sustained added value for all of our interest groups-employees, customers and shareholders.

ethical value 单语例句

  1. Reformers should not be affected by conservative vested interest groups but see the significance and ethical value of free flow of population.

ethical value

ethical value


evaluate: 与appraise相似,指使判断绝对准确,但多用于对人物的某方面的评价,很少用于评价某物的市场价值。
rate: 专指评定价值等级的高低。
value: 侧重指一般人对某物的价值或价格所作的估计。
assess: 原义指对为确定交多少税而估计,引申指通过估价以便更好利用。
estimate: 通常指由个人作出的主观估价。
appraise: 指以专家身份作了最终精确的估价。

value: 侧重指使用价值,着重人、物或事所具有的重要性、用途或优秀品质等。
worth: 与value近义,但前者强调事物本身的价值。