esol是什么意思 esol在线中文翻译

ESOL 英 [ˈi:sɒl] 美 [ˈi:sɑ:l]

ESOL 网络解释

  1. 英文预交学费
    ...Migrant Levy 移民税 1,500 | Skilled Migrant Category 现行技术移民 7,500 | ESOL 英文预交学费...
  2. 操其他语种者英语
    ...ESL英语作为第二语言 | ESOL操其他语种者英语 | ESO特殊用途英语,[专用英语]...
  3. 失丢
    ...去出tuoog.46 | 失丢esol.56 | 到闻llems.66...
  4. abbr. english for speakers of other languages; 现任巴尔的摩郡社区大学

ESOL 双语例句

  1. A certificate from Cambridge ESOL tells people a great deal about you and what you can do.
  2. It was developed by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.
  3. If you pass, you will be awarded a certificate from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.
  4. I saw Esol he saw me and she saw I saw Esol.
  5. What are University of Cambridge ESOL exams?
    什么是剑桥大学 ESOL 考试?
  6. Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) for children from 6 years old and adults.
  7. Cambridge ESOL examination centres are required to meet detailed standards of administration and professional integrity.
  8. You speak with an examer, examiner who is sertisfied certified in EFSOOL-English For ESOL -- English for Speakers Of of Other Languages.
  9. Cambridge ESOL`s CEO Dr. Mike Milanovic says that EFCELT is an exciting development, and I`m delighted that EF has taken this step.
    剑桥大学外语考试部首席执行官Mike Milanovic博士表示,EFCELT是一项振奋人心的进步,我为英孚已经迈出这一步而感到高兴。
  10. Internet communications are not secure and therefore Cambridge Assessment the brand name for the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, the constituent elements of which are CIE, ESOL and OCR Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England.
    英特网沟通不是安心的因此剑桥评估商标为剑桥大学当地的考试企业联合、哪一个是 CIE、ESOL 的构成元素和光学符号识别牛津城剑桥和 RSA 考试是被在英国被登记的保证限制的一家公司。
  11. Detailed suggestions were also made in classical 4P format. Finally the paper proposed two comprehensive projects, Subject English for Undergraduates Project and Technical Translation Criteria for Industries Project, as two propellers for the promotion of ESOL in China.
  12. It equips them with the basic skills and knowledge needed to take up a post as an ESOL teacher and gives them a foundation for a self-evaluation and professional development in an rewarding career.
  13. Cambridge ESOL has developed its own item banking software for managing the development of new live tests.
  14. IELTS is jointly managed by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL).
  15. Cambridge ESOL Examinations is not a commercial enterprise, but a purely educational body.
  16. Here are answers to the ten most frequently asked questions about Cambridge ESOL exams.
  17. I currently teach French, as well as English for speakers of other languages (ESOL).
  18. The Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) is the third level of the Cambridge exams in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).
  19. The competition is organised by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, which is a leading global authority on assessing business communication skills.

ESOL ['esәl]

abbr.English for Speakers of Other Languages<主美> 操其他语种者的英语课程