emmeline是什么意思 emmeline在线中文翻译


Emmeline 双语例句

  1. This image captures the moment in 1914 when Emmeline Pankhurst, who had chained herself to the railings of Buckingham Palace in protest, was arrested and literally carried away.
  2. Poor Emmeline made poetry about all the dead people when she was alive, and it didn't seem right that there warn't nobody to make some about her now she was gone; so I tried to sweat out a verse or two myself, but I couldn't seem to make it go somehow.
  3. But others bill Gilbert as a latter-day Emmeline Pankhurst of women's souls, praising her emotional bravery.
  4. It led, as perhaps you have guessed, to the recent capture and murder of Emmeline Vance, and it certainly helped dispose of Sirius Black, though I give you full credit for finishing him off.
  5. Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst formed the Women's Social and Political Union to fight for women's emancipation in Britain.
  6. We try to analyze the formation of Emmeline Pankhurst's radical thought through understanding her background of growth and her political experience.
  7. In an army you need unity of purpose (Emmeline Pankhurst)

Emmeline [ˈemili:n, -lain]

n. 埃米琳(Amelia的昵称)(f.)