eld是什么意思 eld在线中文翻译


eld 网络解释

  1. 艾德
    ...Mana恢复速度提升 15%;不会被冻结;从被杀怪物身上得到金币增加 50%;得到魔法物品的几率提升 25% 寂静(Silence) 近战型武器 6个符 多尔(Dol)+艾德(Eld)+海尔(Hel)+伊司特(Ist)+特尔(Tir)+伐克斯(Vex) 伤害提升 200%;...
  2. 电致发光显示器
  3. 特级低色散
    ...APO鏡頭選用超低色散(SLD)鏡片及特級低色散(ELD)鏡片,並經特別設計,專門消除色差現象. EX展現鏡頭的專業領域,精湛科技結晶;配合每一片精琢的適馬創新(SMC)超多層鍍膜鏡片,效果自然,更臻完美. 2X后最近对焦距离不变,...
  4. 高龄
    ...elchee 大使 | eld 高龄 | elder 年长者...
  5. abbr. electro luminesence display; 电致发光显示器
  6. abbr. electron luminescent display; 电激发光显示器
  7. abbr. extra long distance; 超远程
  8. abbr. electron landau damping; 电子朗道阻尼

eld 英英释义

  1. a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises
    e.g. she was now of school age
    e.g. tall for his eld
    Synonym: age
  2. a late time of life
    e.g. old age is not for sissies
    e.g. he's showing his years
    e.g. age hasn't slowed him down at all
    e.g. a beard white with eld
    e.g. on the brink of geezerhood
    Synonym: old age years age geezerhood

eld [eld]

n. 高龄;古人
n. (Eld)人名;(芬)埃尔德
n a late time of life
n a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises