eisenhower是什么意思 eisenhower在线中文翻译

Eisenhower 英 ['aɪzənˌhaʊə] 美 ['aɪzənˌhaʊər]

Eisenhower 词典解释

名词艾森豪威尔(Dwight David 1890-1969,美国第三十四任总统(1953-1961))

Eisenhower 网络解释

  1. 艾森豪
    ...在这种情况下,艾森豪(Eisenhower)为了参加美国总统选举,辞去北约司令官职务,由联军总师李奇微接任北约司令官,联军总师由Clark接任. Clark将军接任总师一职后,以重开会谈的战略一环,开始攻击,6月22日采取强硬措施,爆炸一直被当作圣域的水丰坝....
  2. 艾森豪威尔 (名)
    ...Einstein 爱因斯坦 (名) | Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔 (名) | either 也, 而且; 根本 (副)...
  3. 周龄 二等奖
    ...2004 eisenhower 周龄 二等奖 | 2004 confirm 唐然 二等奖 | 2004 turbo 胡波 二等奖...

Eisenhower 双语例句

  1. At the Trianon Palace Hotel, Eisenhower`s headquarters, he found his boss in a good mood.
  2. A few days later Eisenhower and Patton paid it a visit, descending a shaft almost a half mile under the surface of the earth.
  3. Marshall, in his gracious and honorable way, never held a grudge against his old friend Eisenhower and rarely spoke of the outrageous accusations that had been made against him.
  4. President Obama stands in the Eisenhower Executive Office...
  5. Executive Order 10600, dated 15 March 1955, by President Eisenhower, revised approval authority.
  6. At the IAEA's emergency session, Rajmah Hussein of Malaysia, the current NAM chairman, reiterated NAM's position that all countries have a basic and inalienable right to develop atomic energy for peaceful purposes--the prime objective for which the IAEA was established in 1953 at the initiative of US President Dwight Eisenhower.
  7. Eisenhower Doctrine; Open Door; containment; application
  8. Both Eisenhower and Churchill were mature men when they turned to painting for relaxation.
  9. The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight.
  10. Truman was at the Atlantic sea returning from Meeting at Potsdam that he delayed for months to wait for the Atomic bomb test result so that Japan might not surrender, and decided upon its use on civilian Japanese cities without consulting, even informing, the Congress; nor the two generals in charge, Eisenhower and MacArthur.
  11. However, on the advice of his political aides, Eisenhower deleted the Marshall tribute from his speech.
  12. Never again, however, would an American president face down Israel as Eisenhower had done at Suez.
  13. Thus, Eisenhower urged his generalissimo emergency overtime to create a few二踢脚ready to play as, like the sky to fly the Japanese archipelago往地下fling
  14. In the main, the eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle Kennedy into underwriting it's policies
  15. Hoping to break the deadlock with a show of force, Eisenhower increased bombing raids on North Korea.
  16. Eisenhower established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1958, partially in response to the Soviet Union's launch of the first artificial satellite the previous year.
  17. It was Eisenhower who appointed Rockefeller to head a group that would propose a reorganization of government.
  18. On Christmas Eve 1944 Eisenhower received a telegram from Montgomery which read:It seems you have to payme five pounds.
  19. In order to achieve the object of rearming West Germany, the Eisenhower Administration adopted Edens advice.
  20. Dwight Eisenhower was haunted by Sputnik and his multiplying medical problems.

Eisenhower 单语例句

  1. Eisenhower to join three other warships in the coastal waters of Somalia.
  2. Eisenhower urged the US to promote a world confederation of equals, " the weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as " the strongest.
  3. Eisenhower left in September and is already in the Persian Gulf region.
  4. Eisenhower was in the Oval Office and has been on the world stage long enough to see 10 other presidents in the same chair.
  5. Eisenhower canceled the meeting and argued that he did not need to consult so many people to learn about the university's situation.
  6. " As one who has witnessed the horror and the lingering sadness of war, " Eisenhower spoke about the " grave implications " of militarism.
  7. Eisenhower after he arrived in India in 1959, thanking him for his " personal support and material aid ".
  8. All agreed but President Eisenhower insisted he would not discuss the spy plane incident.
  9. He stayed overnight at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage and was released early Monday.
  10. Earlier, the Queen as head of the Commonwealth welcomed President Eisenhower to Canada at Montreal airport.

Eisenhower ['aizәn.hauә]

n. 艾森豪威尔
n. United States general who supervised the invasion of Normandy and the defeat of Nazi Germany; 34th President of the United States (1890-1961)