educational goal是什么意思 educational goal在线中文翻译

educational goal

educational goal 双语例句

  1. That's a very good question. Choosing proper courses and effectively planning a college schedule is very important to the progress toward your educational goal. In order to do these wisely and effectively, you should consult with a Program Adviser or Academic Counselor.
  2. On the basis of the demands for developing our society, an educational goal to train creative talents has been set up in our country.
  3. In the course of forming the standard, Mozi created his own characteristics at the aspects as follows: educational goal and task, subject character anti teaching material contents, knowledge request and the ultimate result.
  4. The goal of the U. S. Leave No Trace educational program is to av oid or reduce impacts on natural area resources and help ensure a positive rec reational experience for all visitors.
  5. The objective of the paper is to reflect the imperfectness in PE education, by means of doing research in the features of PE educational concepts, nature, connotation and characteristics, from the ideal goal and function of PE education, combining the relationship of university cultural education and PE cultural education, which shares the characteristics of fusion and complement, to solve the problems existing in PE educational concepts research and the problems of one-sideness and narrowness prevalent in PE educational concepts. This paper arrives at the following conclusions from the perspective of comprehensive PE education and PE culture in university, with the application of the relative theories of sociology and PE, and through the methods of data, observation, comprehensive analysis, interview with experts, and logical induction: 1. Concept is the soul of action, while PE educational concept plays the guiding and commanding role in PE education, which is the basis and prerequisite for PE accurate orientation in university. Only with clear educational concepts, can university have correct PE orientation. 2. Clear PE educational concept will make the educational goal of university PE more distinct, which will further make PE education in university get rid of disorder and confusion in educational contents, teaching material selection, the mode of course system and concrete teaching method, etc. Therefore, PE educators will know the importance of PE education in university education, meanwhile, it provides a clear clue for university PE education teaching reform and development.
    体育教育以其所蕴涵的独特的教育功能在大学育人中发挥着巨大的作用,通过对体育教育理念概念、本质、内涵和特征以及其具有的层次性特点的研究,以大学育人的理想目标和体育育人功能为切入点,从大学文化育人和体育文化育人的关系具有的融合性和互补性为契合点,针对目前我国体育教育理念研究存在的问题以及流行的主要几种体育教育理念所存在的片面性和狭隘性,对其不尽完善之处进行反复审思,以大学全面育人视角下的体育教育和体育文化的功能为主线,运用社会学和教育学相关理论,采用文献资料法、观察比较法、综合分析法、专家访谈法、逻辑归纳法等方法总结得出如下结论:1 理念是行动的灵魂,体育教育理念对体育教育起着指导和统率作用,是高校体育准确定位的基础和前提,只有教育理念的明确,才有高校体育定位的正确 2 体育教育理念的明晰将使得大学体育的教育目标更加清晰,更使得大学体育在教育内容、教材的选用、课程体系模式、具体教学方法等一系列问题不至于处于混乱和模糊状态,也使体育教育工作者更加明确体育教育在大学育人中的不可替代性,同时也为大学体育教学改革目标和发展趋势提供了一条清晰明了的主线索。
  6. Competition in school settings should not be the ultimate goal but one of the strategies in achieving educational aims.
  7. As a blueprint for training professionals, the curriculum is the bridge of the transformation of certain educational theory, ideas and goals into concrete practice. Its content and structure determines the type of personnel training and unique knowledge structure, which is the direct reflection of professional training objectives. Under certain conditions, whether the curriculum is reasonable or not to a large extent determines the achievement of the goal, determines the quality of the talent level.
  8. Backwardness teachingmethod and the method, explore Gao Zhi the educational model; The highduty talented person raise goal is deciding the high duty talentedperson raise pattern; In turn, the high duty talented person raisepattern also is affecting the raise goal realization.
  9. Taiwan Academic Network plays a critical role in Taiwan's academic contributions and Internet development. TANet's goal is an establishment of the educational infrastructure, and information integration of teaching and academic research.
  10. The educational goal of humanistic education is to cultivate the whole person with complete personality and the ability of free choice.
  11. Develop according to this local economy and the society to thedifferent level, the different specification, the different typehigh-level special talented person's objective demand, in correcteducation thought (including national determination educational policyand education goal) under the instruction, carries on the appropriatelocalization to the school and the specialized talented person raisegoal; According to raises the goal, the design raise specification; According to raises the goal and the raise specification formulationraise plan; According to raises the goal, the raise specification andthe raise plan elective culture way and implements.
  12. To accomplish this goal, http://blog.17morning. com/u/4053/archives/2009/118571.html, supply chain has launched an educational series comprised of both e-learning and instructor-led courses.
  13. I believed that besides our babies and so on utilization's game, story, nursery song, riddle, music, performance loves the form frequently, utilizes the body language ingeniously, displays the body language fully in the teaching activity positive role, this is also the success realizes one of baby English educational goal ways.
  14. It, is of great significance that this variation would attribute to the realization of educational goal for the new course.
  15. Social improvements and huge change of health care environments have significantly impacted hospital management. Thus, professional concepts involving health care management are gaining increasing attention. In our country, HCM personnel are soured from graduates of junior college to graduate school. Because of educational reforms, many schools originally designed for training programs of HCM personnel in junior colleges have schools originally designed for training programs of HCM personnel in junior colleges have upgraded to training those in institutes of technology. Regarding manpower quality, it offers junior college graduates more opportunities to advance their education, which improves over-all quality. However, in terms of human resource application, the trend among junior college compromising the educational goal of cultivating basic and medium levels of practical hospital officials.
  16. Not only is it an aspiring goal of the educational board, but it will essentially make a strong cultural impact as well.
  17. This article introduces the education plan of Applied Physics Speciality in Beijing University of post and Telecommunications according to the concept of " science combined with engineering ", primarily its educational goal and course program.
  18. Facing the pressure, the adult educational school in common college will find a way out only by reforming the system of running school, determining their goal of training personnel, paying attention to training practical and creation personnel and collecting teachers through all kinds of approaches.
  19. The educational goal may be put in fostering safety engineering professionals who can adapt to the rapid development of modern science, technology and society.
  20. This text is with the method about the thing that the theory designed in teaching and Chinese classroom instruction are practiced and combined together in educational teaching, go on comparatively overall, deep research to the Chinese classroom instruction formulation and statement of goal.

educational goal 单语例句

  1. The goal is to set up a new example in China's educational reform, said a local authority during an interview.
  2. Its stated goal is to cultivate the next generation of musicians through educational programs.

educational goal

[网络] 教育目标;教育目的;高层次
educational goal


aim: 从本义“靶子”引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。
goal: 指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。
purpose: 普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实际的目标。
end: 指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。较正式用词。
target: 指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。引申指被攻击、批评或潮笑的目标。
object: 强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。
objective: 与object基本同义,但语义更广泛,指具体或很快能达到的目的,也可指军事目标。书面用词。